Here's the one problem, wouldn't Kirby kind of reinforce the Nintendo's for kiddies stereotype?hiphops_savior
Well. firstly, I think that suits Nintendo. Theyre old school. Look at Sega - theyre first mascot was Alex Kidd, and then Sonic. I dont really seem to remember people back in the 16 bit era calling Nintendo "kiddy" - it was mostly after the Playstation was released. The only thing I can think of that made them more "kiddy" than Sega was toning down blood and gore. But they still had mostly the same types of games. Thats hardly a reason.
I think Sony consoles would be even more popular if they had a similar mascot. They did try it with Crash Bandicoot and Spyro, but they were third party characters, so it didnt really work. Now remind me who do Microsoft have? Master Chief? Pah. Hes not a mascot, hes generic and has no personality. Theres nothing likable about him, he only becomes a mascot in the sense that he personifies the 360 demographic - people who are either obsessed with looking macho, or closet homosexuals.
Secondly, I dont think it really matters that much, you cant really make the kiddy image worse. Although we know its not really kiddy, (last time I checked, the GC was the only console to have had every Resident Evil to date) Nintendo's image will never go away.
Although I think Kirby would make a great mascot, I think the pinkness would put most people off. Donkey Kong seems to have been totally forgotten. To hell with Fox, Kirby and Samus, Donkey Kong is proper old school.
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