[QUOTE="El_Zo1212o"] "Why play console games on a tiny screen?" General audience answer: because that tiny screen can go anywhere with you. My personal answer: because it's cool. Nintendo also seems to think it's cool, so count on more console ports from them regardless of whether or not the 2nd Cpad catches on. And the problem with PSP wasn't trying to fit a console experience onto a handheld, it was going toe-to-toe with Nintendo on their home turf at the outset of what would end up being their most sellingest time ever. (That's right, it was so epic a time for Big N's coffers that I had to cobble together a whole word just to describe it.) Especially since Nintendo had been courting the image as the reasonably price console maker and Sony was swinging their pricetags around like a fat chick's goodies on the Jerry Springer show- just letting it all hang out. You're not being fair to the devs. Think about your favorite DS games that used a form of two stick movement. Do you think any of them wouldn't have been made if the ds had a second Dpad? (If you've got any,)Look at your favorite 3ds games- would any of them benefit from camera control? Samurai Warriors would. So would Splinter Cell 3d cries for lack of one. And one last thing: tell me you wouldn't like to have Batman: Arkham Challenges or some such on your 3DS- like RE: Mercs, but with Combat and Predator challenges from both games and a couple of playable characters. Just because it has the same control possibilities doesn't mean it would be able to hand something as complex and involved as Batman: AA/AC with the voice acting and etc, but they could pare it down to the basic challenge modes. (Sorry if this post has been a little everywhere, it's late.)Haziqonfire
Thing is, the 3DS is a handheld. It's meant for handheld games that utilize that platforms strengths. Adding another analog stick just makes it more of a console on the go. If I wanted that I'd play those games on a console, I'd rather play on a big screen TV with surround sound with a proper controller.
Nintendo doesn't really seem to care about ports, they just want more content that'll sell their platform. In terms of their own games I don't think a lot will resort to using a second analog stick.
In terms of the games you mentioned, I wouldn't have bought any of those in the first place. I'd rather see developers try to do something unique on the platform. Look at TWEWY and how well it played on the DS and how that experience would be totally different elsewhere. Look at Rhythm Heaven on the DS and how unique that was. Look at how well the two Zelda games played using the DS' touch screen and touch elements. Look at how great Mario & Luigi: Bowser's Inside Story was with it's touch features. That's the kind of stuff I want to see come to the 3DS. I don't want stuff that is a gimped down version of a console experience. There are only SOME cases where a game can turn out well but it still feels gimped -- SSFIV3D. Then there are other cases where the developer adds some unique additions to the game that enhance it -- OoT3D with it's gyro controls for camera controls and aiming.
But do you think the games like those you mentioned wouldn't be made otherwise? I mean, Call of Duty had 4 releases(3 of which were excellent) on DS, but TWEWY still made it onto the platform. With the second stick those of us who want more consol-esque experiences can have them. Or what about franchises that didnt do well enough to continue on consoles? What are the odds that a new WET or Alpha Protocol or would see the light of day on home consoles? Slim and none repectively. But if the same input method are available, maybe one day we'll see them on our handhelds- development is cheaper, I'd imagine, and money is a big motivator. And at the same time, devs can find new uses for the touchscreen if they have an alternate input for the camera. Or games that don't provide camera control because the touch interface is used for a different purpose can get it. Can you honestly say that no/bad camera control is better than having analogue camera control? I just don't understand the opposition here- console experiences will happen either way, but with a second stick, they'll feel more natural and less like a second-best alternative.
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