All this HD Nintendo console news got me daydreaming about an HD Zelda game. What do you expect from the inevitable Legend of Zelda on the Striim (or whatever it will be called)?
I'd like:
- the visual style of Twilight Princess, but then HD and with all the fancy effects of this day and age. I definately hope they will use the TP Link model.
- voice acting, this is a really important one. Not for Link obviously, but in 2013 (likely release date) grunts and weird sound effects wont cut it anymore. Voice acting will do a lot for immersion
- co-op. I know this is unlikely, but how fun would it be to travel hyrule together with a friend or maybe even more. Through the online system with voicechat the whole deal
- an interesting story, its usually rougly the same each zelda game, a new twist would be cool
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