About how long does it take to beat Super Paper Mario, and how is its replay value. I am strongly thinking about buying it for a game to play in the summer.
It all depends.... if you go through skipping all the text, not bothering with sidequests, and using a walkthrough/stratgy guide and do nothing but play videogames all day you could beat it in a weekend.
I like taking my time with a game, enjoying the storyline, and doing all the sidequests, taking in all the game has to offer. I think I'm about 30 hours into it and just have to do the last world... but as I said, I've REALLY taken my time with it, building up my levels, etc. I think my total TP time (for 100%) came to about 42+ hours if that gives you a point of refernece.
It depends on what you do. If you just do the main game, you can finish it in about 20 hours. If you go and do the side-quests and everything, it will take a lot longer.
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