That is not true. There are some people who downolad Virtual Console titles who actually never played some of these games in the past. Only recently, I downloaded Star Fox 64, I never played the game all the way in the past. ut this time, I'm doing better at the gameAnd seriously, I think personally, Virtual Console is more needed at the moment for past games that people need to play that never got the chance. Once that's even enough, Nintendo should be supplying both after that. Not abandon one function to support the other.nintendoboy16
Yeah, but your points still don't explain the importance of VC over WiiWare and why it's more needed. The thing about VC games is that they've all been available before. There are games on the service that I haven't played and would like to, but the thing is that the vast majority of these titles are available and obtainable without the service. Even with the imports, if one really dedicated themselves enough to import, the games could be there. The good thing about the VC is that it's convenient, but it's not a vital asset to the Wii or anything. Once again, it was implemented as a way of introducing the inexperienced and getting the long-lost gamers something to cling to. The Wii has been out for almost three years, and it's become super-popular. Mission accomplished.
As for WiiWare, this is a service Nintendo was talking about as an important function prior to the Wii's release as the company's solution to helping creative ideas from small developers flourish. Whether or not it becomes everything Nintendo hopes for remains to be seen, but it doesn't hurt if more attention is given to WiiWare and the games developed for it. Unlike the VC games, these games usually aren't obtainable anywhere else, and the benefits of establishing a great lineup of games through this service will mean more for the Wii and Nintendo down the line than anything the VC can offer, seeing as how those games are already established on other systems. Besides, Nintendo didn't say it was giving up on the VC completely, but rather it would be devoting more time into new WiiWare games than the tried-and-true (or not-so-true) VC games.
Honestly, I'm amazed that so many people are seeing this as a negative. With so man people clamoring for new IPs and the like, I thought this would be much more appreciated. Oh well... everything else Nintendo does is met with criticism, so why should this be any different? Right? :P
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