I like how you can't even see your gun. Come on Capcom...really? No onscreen gun? Just a reticule? Crap. Why would they think a gun was uneccessary?
I also like how the "A" action buttons could have EASILY been done using Wii-mote specific actions like swinging or stabbing.
Lastly, I love how the graphics are no where near RE4......a last gen game
I'll admit, I don't know everything about this game. However, I can explain to you how your points are wrong.
1) If, as I believe it is, an "on-rails" shooter, THAT'S HOW IT'S SUPPOSED TO BE. Have you ever been to the arcades with these types of games? You held the gun and shot on screen. Until we get that light gun attachment, the Wiimote is the gun. It supposed to look like that. If it had shown a gun it wouldn't be a true "on-rails" shooter.
2) While it would be nice, think about it. Performing motion-sensitive controls in a split second would be very hard and frustrating, considering you get very little time to react. Pressing 'A' is a lot more doable then remembering "Oh yeah, I have to swing while making sure the sensor picks up the action!" The game would be very frustrating if you had to do a motion-sensitive control for every split-second action. Yes, it would help add realism, but I think this is much better.
3) The art style is very good. Have you seen the IGN gameplay video yet? It looks great. Plus, there's a post somewhere on this board showing some pictures that show its art style. It looks fine. By the way, did you forget this wasn't the Xbox 360 or Playstation 3? You'll never get those type of graphics on the Wii, so the best you can get is "last gen" graphics, as you so "wisely" put it.
Like I said, I don't know everything about this game, I just know your points are extremely uneducated and wrongly placed.
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