Spore is a PC game that has officially been ported to the Wii and it is now a multiplat. The PC version is coming out in in Q2 08, Wii version is unkown but probably around that time.
What is Spore? Well, click that link to find out.
Basically, you start out as a cell. Eventually, you grow into a fullgrown animal. You can customize the animal in a bagillion different ways so no animals will ever look the same. You can make it a cyclop, put the mouth on its butt, or give it 6 arms. Eventually, you and the other animals of your species will make a tribe. That tribe will become a civilization. That civilization will become a city. Then you can build a UFO and go to other planets. Guess how many planets there are? OVER A MILLION!!! And the cities on those planets are created by other real-life people.
Not only that, your UFO can scan creatures, cities, planets, flora ect. There are probably thousands of things to scan, a completionists dream.
Look at Spore. Buy Spore. SPORE!!!
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