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I'm not sure I really follow your logic...but why would Manhunt 2 create any more of a stir than the original Manhunt (which was extremely graphic but evoked almost no public ire)?theragu40i agree with ragu.... But also ragu, You got toknow thisalready, But its hitting the Wii and everyone will know MANHUNT 2 Basically because its on Wii. So yes i do think the Politics will get in trying to Ban this game the day it hits shelfes.
The only thing I can predict is that Jack Thompson will say something that proves he's even dumber than we thought.ThePlothole
Haha definitely.
The only thing I can predict is that Jack Thompson will say something that proves he's even dumber than we thought.ThePlothole
He already did. He tried to stop Wendy's from doing their Wii promotion, because he felt by Wendy's promoting the Nintendo Wii, it would increase the chances of young kids buying Manhunt 2. Now, the reason why Manhunt 2 on the Wii might draw more negative attention versus other versions is indeed the fact that you are acting out the violent motions. It's one thing to push a button and see a bloody execution happen on the screen, but it's an entirely different matter to mimic the motion with your body. Jack has valid concern regarding this game, but as always, he always goes about things the wrong way.
It will be Australia. Aren't they always?bdmckinleyWell to put it in perspective, Mark Echo's Getting Up was banned over here....for the tagging involved :|
I hope this damned game gets banned. It goes beyond the comfort zone for violence.Bluestorm-Kalas
look at your sig much?
[QUOTE="bdmckinley"]It will be Australia. Aren't they always?Demonic_JinWell to put it in perspective, Mark Echo's Getting Up was banned over here....for the tagging involved :| I never understood Australia. What purpose does it serve to ban almost everything? That doesn't really stop anyone from playing those games. If anything it creates more buzz for said title. If Aussies want a game that bad they can always import.
The only thing I can predict is that Jack Thompson will say something that proves he's even dumber than we thought.ThePlothole
I hope this damned game gets banned. It goes beyond the comfort zone for violence.Bluestorm-Kalas
why do people like you hope it gets banned? if its out of your comfort zone then dont buy it. simple
[QUOTE="Bluestorm-Kalas"]I hope this damned game gets banned. It goes beyond the comfort zone for violence.overfeind
Say the guy with Katos in his sig.
I was gonna say the same thing :lol:. Manhunt 2 should me congratulated in my opinion. To stick it to the people who are naysayers. To deliver a quality gaming experience while adding the gore. it's not going to get create any more shootings and fights if this game is released or not.
[QUOTE="Demonic_Jin"][QUOTE="bdmckinley"]It will be Australia. Aren't they always?bdmckinleyWell to put it in perspective, Mark Echo's Getting Up was banned over here....for the tagging involved :| I never understood Australia. What purpose does it serve to ban almost everything? That doesn't really stop anyone from playing those games. If anything it creates more buzz for said title. If Aussies want a game that bad they can always import.
I can understand why some people might be see Mark Echo's as being a bad infludnece - because it seems harmless enough to graffiti in a videogame - but it's not like we don't have enough graffiti vandalists in the world. And it's only the loonies who would mistake the virtual world for the real world.
But out of all countries, I thought Australia wouldn't give a crap. We're not the country where there are gun shops next the local supermarket. Heck, we're not the country with the insansely huge criminal records or killings.
But I'll import Manhunt 2 if it's banned here.
[QUOTE="ThePlothole"]The only thing I can predict is that Jack Thompson will say something that proves he's even dumber than we thought.LoveStaindRed
Haha definitely.
id be more suprised if he DIDNT...
OMG the only reason Manhunt 1 was banned in europe was because it was linked to a murderzachdragonerm i live in the city were the murder happened, the kid who got murdered owned it and not the murderer. it wasnt banned anyway.. just taken off the shelves in some stores where they wished to keep their 'family friendly' image ...
[QUOTE="zachdragon"]OMG the only reason Manhunt 1 was banned in europe was because it was linked to a murdergurney13erm i live in the city were the murder happened, the kid who got murdered owned it and not the murderer. it wasnt banned anyway.. just taken off the shelves in some stores where they wished to keep their 'family friendly' image ...
GAME have a family friendly image LOL. Best to pre order it as it will probably get 'Withdrawn' again for the reasons already outlined. Yet the Hype for 300 goes on regardless. The press still don't GET that just as there are adult dvds there are adult games.
erm i live in the city were the murder happened, the kid who got murdered owned it and not the murderer. it wasnt banned anyway.. just taken off the shelves in some stores where they wished to keep their 'family friendly' image ...[QUOTE="gurney13"][QUOTE="zachdragon"]OMG the only reason Manhunt 1 was banned in europe was because it was linked to a murderJustWiicredible
GAME have a family friendly image LOL. Best to pre order it as it will probably get 'Withdrawn' again for the reasons already outlined. Yet the Hype for 300 goes on regardless. The press still don't GET that just as there are adult dvds there are adult games.
well jack thompson and keith vaz (the MP for the area where manhunt murder happened) both considered 'bully', which isn't even about being a bully, very violent.. yes, infact because i played that game i just want to go and kick some teacher in the shins and give them a wedgie! seriously though you've got a point about the adult dvd and games. and i think the local GAME in my town still sells second hand copies of manhunt..I hope this damned game gets banned. It goes beyond the comfort zone for violence.Bluestorm-KalasAye, it does. The Wii won't lose any image for it being banned, this game is just too violent (way too violent) but if it doesn't get banned then Nintendo will lose its so called kiddie image. Its a win-win situation here.
[QUOTE="JustWiicredible"]erm i live in the city were the murder happened, the kid who got murdered owned it and not the murderer. it wasnt banned anyway.. just taken off the shelves in some stores where they wished to keep their 'family friendly' image ...[QUOTE="gurney13"][QUOTE="zachdragon"]OMG the only reason Manhunt 1 was banned in europe was because it was linked to a murdergurney13
GAME have a family friendly image LOL. Best to pre order it as it will probably get 'Withdrawn' again for the reasons already outlined. Yet the Hype for 300 goes on regardless. The press still don't GET that just as there are adult dvds there are adult games.
well jack thompson and keith vaz (the MP for the area where manhunt murder happened) both considered 'bully', which isn't even about being a bully, very violent.. yes, infact because i played that game i just want to go and kick some teacher in the shins and give them a wedgie! seriously though you've got a point about the adult dvd and games. and i think the local GAME in my town still sells second hand copies of manhunt..We accepted trade ins and sold new ones and playing guides three weeks after we withdrew them. The point was? A complete kneejerk reaction by the retailers. All it needs is a quite news day and some kid on his summer hols to do anything Violent and it'll kick off again.
Nintendo Realizes, Controversy=More Sales.
That is why they whent to Take-two, they know with their support, the wii will be big.
Manhunt may have a Suff-Picture level of violence, and it may be the more horrifying game ever made in the history of time, but it will sell like hotcakes, i know i will buy it.
[QUOTE="gurney13"][QUOTE="JustWiicredible"]erm i live in the city were the murder happened, the kid who got murdered owned it and not the murderer. it wasnt banned anyway.. just taken off the shelves in some stores where they wished to keep their 'family friendly' image ...[QUOTE="gurney13"][QUOTE="zachdragon"]OMG the only reason Manhunt 1 was banned in europe was because it was linked to a murderJustWiicredible
GAME have a family friendly image LOL. Best to pre order it as it will probably get 'Withdrawn' again for the reasons already outlined. Yet the Hype for 300 goes on regardless. The press still don't GET that just as there are adult dvds there are adult games.
well jack thompson and keith vaz (the MP for the area where manhunt murder happened) both considered 'bully', which isn't even about being a bully, very violent.. yes, infact because i played that game i just want to go and kick some teacher in the shins and give them a wedgie! seriously though you've got a point about the adult dvd and games. and i think the local GAME in my town still sells second hand copies of manhunt..We accepted trade ins and sold new ones and playing guides three weeks after we withdrew them. The point was? A complete kneejerk reaction by the retailers. All it needs is a quite news day and some kid on his summer hols to do anything Violent and it'll kick off again.
so you work for GAME then?If necessary, Nintendo can defend itself by throwing responsibility back onto parents: use the parental controls built into the system to prevent your innocent children from playing the game. Easy.woodsa23
Since I discovered the Wii has the parental controls I have always assumed Nintendo said to the devs "You can make really violent stuff now, dont worry about press we can shove it to the parents with the parental controls"
I will be very, very, very, mad if they ban this game before I get around to getting it (which will be not long after release). If people will be complaining about graphic content well that's what the Mature rating is for. It will say graphic, bloody violence, (or something of the sort) so when people see that, if they don't like, they don't have to buy it. They better not ruin it for the people who actually like that stuff and want to play the game.
Also, in an interview with one of the developers he specifically stated that, and I quote, "The game isn't all about the grusome killings, you must solve puzzles and sneak your way around to survive."
If this game gets banned you will be seeing me with very angry posts in this forum.
Sneaking your way around and puzzles are most definitely not what everyone associates with Manhunt however and they know that.This is true.. anyone remember the "Hot Coffee" mod?
But I mean Nintendo has a lot to gain by either getting this game banned and ridding the kiddy image, getting good sales and saying to the world "third party games do sell if you make good ones", or getting the Wii name out there through viral marketing to the extreme because reports will likely be saying something about how 'such a family friendly system ended up making on of the sickest games in history.'
And the reason games get attention to overly violent games such as this is because the market for them here is very large by contrast the film medium is extremely underground for material like this. It might have something to do with that Uncanny Valley idea and how people can totally seperate CGI from reality so they feel more at ease pplaying someting of this nature... I'm not really sure. Regardless of what these reasons may be, the sales figures make it pretty blunt that the markets are in totally different leagues.
I hope this damned game gets banned. It goes beyond the comfort zone for violence.Bluestorm-Kalasya.... while your very own sig has a picture of kratos in it????:roll: whats god of war 2 rated again????:roll: :lol:just messin with ya but i dont really think that video game violence makes people crazy (like columbine) i just think that if you have a history of violent acts then you shouldent be aloud to buy M rated games.....
In case anyone was wondering, this was the reacton the First Manhunt got:
-in New Zealand, The game was declared objectionable and Simply Possessing a Copy of the game is a crime.
- In Ontario Canada, the game was Rated as XXX Film.
- In Austraila, it was refused rating and it was banned from sale (but Possession is Legal, in other words you cant buy it but you can own it).
- In the UK, it reseved a BBFC 18 certificate, legally prohibiting its sale to anyone under that age.
- Munich Germany, A local Corut ordered the confiscateion all versions of Manhunt. The game, the court said, portrays the killing of humans as fun, and the more fun, the more violent the killing is. They also sensed a glorification of vigilantism, which they considered harmful.
However, other than Ontario, it is interesting to note that Manhunt had little or no controversy elsewhere in North America.
Im certainly going to get it on the release date so if it does get banend in England i will still have it :D
Just a quick question : If the game is banned and you dont hand it in and you are caught having it can they do anything more than take it away from you ? fine maybe ?
The reason Manhunt 2 will get this publicity is because its on the Nintendo Wii and people will be outraged that the makers of Nintendo allow it on their system. Personally I don't care at all, but some people will probably think that Nintendo has "betrayed" their standard morals of kid friendly systems and games. While there have been mature games on Nintendo systems in the past, this game takes it a step further.TheLordMagnus
isnt there parental controls on the Wii? this move by Nintendo should save them a lot of flack if it comes down to it, because it puts more ownership on the parents
isnt there parental controls on the Wii? this move by Nintendo should save them a lot of flack if it comes down to it, because it puts more ownership on the parents
The problem is that many parents will choose not to implement the parental controls... they might not even know about them, seeing that it's often the kid that sets the console up in the first place. And while any rational human being will realize it's the parents fault for not taking action and/or doing the proper research**, it seems like a lot of parents would probably rather shift the blame to somebody else.
**both into the parental control capablities and the types of games their children are playing
[QUOTE="Treal_basic"]isnt there parental controls on the Wii? this move by Nintendo should save them a lot of flack if it comes down to it, because it puts more ownership on the parents
The problem is that many parents will choose not to implement the parental controls (they might not even know about them, seeing that it's often the kid that sets the console up in the first place). And while any rational human being will realize it's the parents fault for not taking action, it seems like a lot of parents would probably rather shift the blame to somebody else.
But of course, why take blame for your own mistakes when videogames are the biggest scapegoat in the world today?
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