ok let me do this for ya
super mario bros 1-5 dollars
super mario bros 2 5 dollars/500 points
super mario bros lost levels 600 points/6
smb 3- 500
15 plus 6=21.00 dollars keep in mind youll have to buy at least 2 points cards ---to get 21 points,
-40 dollars your left with unused points might you want somthing else or not
-add the cd you got with the soundtrack if they sold it in stores it be probably 5 more to 9 dollars
bringing your total to 30 plus tax
oh lets not forget these are snes versions
they could have just thrown all 4 sepearetelly at 800 points each
8x 4 =36
so either way, your getting what you pay for
ne 1 saying it could be more, wrong
personally as i have all those games yall are tossing upalready on ds and n64 and vc
--- theres no need for them ,
get mario 64 for vc world for vc the only one missing is world 2 , -find that cheap for snes lol
and there
you go
buy this for 30
buy mario 64 for 10
buy smw for 8
thats only 48 bucks
theres nothing they could change for 64 mario or world as it would be the same looks and everything ,
if they changed mario 64 they could just redo the whole game and release it as a standalone wii game
but you wouldnt want that either i suppose 50 bucks is to steap for you,
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