The controls forexite truck weren't to convincing IMO. If mario kart , which is rumored to be shown at E3, controls were diffrent i would be happy. For example , you would use the "chuck" to steer and wiimote to attack or thorw weapons. If that was the case i would be pleased. But i realy don't want to tilt the wiimote since i had such i hard time in exite truck.
I would prefer your Idea a great deal, although I thought that the excite truck controlls were crazy cool when I first got my wii, it feels natual now. I wouldn't mind motion sensing steering too much, but it would be great using the 'chuck.
Considering how many people fork out for a stearing wheel to make the game feel more immersive then i think using the wiimote in that style would be better even though i finding it quite hard to get the hang of, being brought up with the d-pad and all.
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