So I decided to finally pick this game up, I love me some Mario Kart. I've been trying to enjoy it, I really have, but I seem to have encountered a problem. This game is cheap as hell. I once actually made it near the finish line on the third lap of a course in first place, (100 cc) and was hit by a POW block attack, immediately hit with a shrink attack as well, and hit with a blue shell directly afterwards. I went from first to fifth in the span of five seconds, and was completely powerless to do anything about it. But I soldiered on. But it keeps happening. I keep getting near a finish in a good place, and like clockwork, I get pounded from all angles suddenly by blue shells, red shells, shrinking, POW blocks, and etc.
It may not be so intolerable online, or so I hope. But I don't really play online, at all. Is there an update available if I do play online that corrects the obvious grossly overbearing AI? If not, sadly, I'm definitely turning this game right back in, which is pretty shocking to me to consider with a Mario Kart game. But the game is just way too frustrating, and just not any fun at all.
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