I love this game, the best part about this game is the multiplayer and its fun when you face people the same skill lvl as you. Online is ok but sometimes it lags to much. One player is ok also butIf you have alot of friends to invite over or have brothers or sisters to face againist then you should get this game.
i love this game. It has a casual online system, it ranks you each week and you can either play a 3 game series 1 on 1 or 2 on2. Surprisingly this game takes a lot of strategy and you can develop different styles like playing with the Donkey Kong powerhouse in quicksand is very different than payin with the speedy Daisy who couldnt kick it to save her life. Its a simple sit down and play which i like. You don't have to devote alot of time to it, you can sneak a few games in in only 10 - 15 minutes. This is one of my favorite wii games so far and i would recommend it to everyone.
It's a good game, just the online you either are terrible or just button mash, you'll get frustrated because it's laggy online, and all the disconecters. If you've got the money I'd say buy it.
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