Kind of gives me flashbacks of "Monkey Fight" in the old Super Monkey Ball games, which was my favorite mini-game in that series for multiplayer.
When I saw the characters my initial thought was how similar they looked to W101 characters. If Nintendo makes this similar to a Punch Out it could do well but the game needs depth with more characters, circuits, etc..,
As long as the controls are accurate, I think this game could be very fun. I'm looking forward to it.
I don't think it will really be my kind of game, but I can see it kind of appealing to fighting game fans.
At first i thought it looked awful, but then seeing at bit more, i can see where it could be kinda fun. Overall, i'm on the fence. LIke others said, 5 characters isn't enough. The emphasis on motion controls concern me a bit. I don't think most of the population was itching to break out wii remotes to play games. So far i liked what i seen, but in order to be a really good game, it needs a little more depth.
It looks like the Ultimate Ninja Storm games, it could be fun for awhile--but is ultimately too shallow to be a legit fighting experience. Also considering they have 1 2 Switch as the "Wii Sports" they should add standard controls to this game, so that you can do 2 players out box using one joycon each.
I 100% want to play ARMS, that being said I don't want to spend 60dollars on what I've seen. not when 60 dollars would get me something like smash...
It looks like a glorified Wii Boxing. Wii Boxing was fun, but got boring after a bit, which is why it worked as part of Wii Sports. You could just play something else. With ARMS, it looks like there isn't enough of a game there to be substantial enough as a standalone title.
@gamingschnoz: I imagine they would treat this like Splatoon, where it would see periodic free updates, until a much more full featured game.
I thought what they showed was a demo version. Has there been confirmation somewhere that the game will only have 5 characters in the roster? If so, I hope they do give it updates like they did with Splatoon.
I think it looks really refreshing. It also has real potential as a competitive game (perhaps?)
Aside from that, from what I've read, the motion controls are really precise, which I think is great. Some have described it as feeling a bit reminiscent of Sega's Virtual On, which is great.
Also, the fact that you can play the game with more traditional controls (sticks and buttons) is really good, especially for competitive gamers or people who are uncomfortable with the motion controls.
Hopefully Nintendo support it online like they did with Splatoon - new stages, new characters, etc... would be awesome. :D
I truly doubted Arms when it was first shown but I was completely blown away when I got to play it last weekend. It's surprisingly addictive, especially the 2 player co-op, and the controls are precise. Yes, it does look like Wii Boxing at first glance, but each of the characters available in the demo felt different in terms of weight, power and speed, and you were able to customize what kind of "fist" they used in a match. Some were normal fists, other had boomerangs or rockets as fists. Jumping, blocking, dashing and being able to do combos with holds and specials felt deep and intuitive.
My biggest complaint, however, is how precise the motion controls are. It's both a blessing and a curse. Imagine Wii boxing with two motion+ controllers on each hand. You move both to the left to move left, to the right to move right, you curve to curve punches, etc. It all works accurately when you're practicing, but it's natural for us to fidget and move excessively whenever things get too exciting and heated. So there were moments where the game was not registering some of my attacks or movements because I was moving WAY too much and a lot was going on with my hands. The kiosks people said that it did support pro controller/traditional controls but we were only offered to play it with motion controls. I can definitely see it being more tactical with the pro controller, especially online.
Overall, I enjoyed it greatly. I had to play it three times. I am definitely purchasing it.
I'm actually surprised at all the positive attention this game has gotten. I was positive this thing was going to become nothing more than hate fodder.
It doesn't look interesting in the least. Bad initial line up for Switch.
It looks at best like a $14.99 download.
I get what you mean. I'm just kind of nostalgic for a bygone era. ARMS gives me flashbacks to Dreamcast type fighting games like Power Stone, Virtual On, Tech Romancer, or Heavy Metal: Geomatrix. People would pay full price for a simple, fun, arcade style game because we knew we'd keep going back to it for years to come. Unlike say, Shenmue, which was a huge game, but I only played through it once.
@ANIMEguy10034: I heard that it can be played without motion controls, did they say anything about that while you were there?
@iambatman7986: They definitely mentioned it while we were playing, but that's pretty much it.
The Zelda and Splatoon kiosks, for example, allowed you to switch between different controllers, like the joycon grip, handheld or pro controller, but Arms was exclusively motion controls during the event. I do wonder how it plays with buttons.
@ANIMEguy10034: Thanks for the info, and I'm not going to lie, I'm jealous you got to play it. I'm so hyped for the Switch.
Actually, the more I'm seeing about this game now it's starting to remind me more of Custom Robo in a way, than say just Wii Sports boxing.
I'm changing my response - I think I'm interested in Arms now.
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