Hey guys I got mohh2 when it came out and the first thing i noticed was "hey these environments are actually quite good." Look at Port or monastery for example. There is very nice lighting and the objects are quite nice with good textures. The second thing i noticed was "Hell whats up with the character models?" Is it just me or does the first allied suit just look terrible. Even though the axis suits and models are alot nicer they dont make up for the wacky animations the characters have. From first person mode your arm and gun look quite nice but i just wish they had made the other character models nicer. Look at ssbb for example it has great character models that animate fluidly. Dont you guys wish that they had put a little more effort into that? Well anyways i know the wii is not made for graphics so i still love the game and the controls. Hopefully they can create an awsome online fps with MP3 graphics at least.
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