wow im supriesed. some of you talk like a game with BOTH great single player and great mutliplayer doesn't exist. hmm interesting. sure we have fannies and we have ppl that want their games to last whats wrong with nintendo satisfying both? a lil' effort and they could make metroid with both. c'mon lets face it, how many times can a person play metroid prme? twice, three times...? and thats about it...u know what gonna happen, when it sgonna happen and there just ain't no thrills it sits in ur library of games. now with some brings u back to it after ebating single player. i still got both prime 1 and 2. prime 1 is dusty...but prime 2 gets out and gets played when freinds come over...and this is make shtis game worth keeping. and prime 2's multi is actually quite fun...sorta like geist, it brings somehting new to an fps like morphball escapes and chases vs regular run and gun.mkfalcon2007
Most of what you said there doesn't make any sense. Why do people on forums feel the need to completely throw punctuation, spelling and good grammar by the wayside when talking on message boards?
Echoes' multi-player was nearly the only thing about it that was panned by reviewers. And for good reason - it was simplistic and derivative. As I've said before, it's more or less just a race for the strongest upgrade, and everyone else is toast. It was boring.
And in my humbleopinion, Hunters was even worse. It may have had on-line multi-player, but it also had bad level design, bad controls, bad justification for existing, bad pacing, nearly worthless upgrades, terminal drops, bad use of rumble, generic character design, generic enemy design and terrible music.
this brings me to my final point, now most of you can now STOP complaining about nintendo being an 'or' company instead of an 'and' company..cause most of you are cheering on nintendo's 'or' attitude: single or multi. vs 'and' being single and multi. so next time some of u criticis enintendo, look back at ur outrage against the 'and' , and lay off. and i hope ur satisfied...with one single player adventure that will not last longer than 40 hours and won't have any replay value bsides doing the same thing over again.mkfalcon2007
Hey, I'm all for Nintendo, being an "And" company for the most part, but that doesn't mean they need to implement modern modes into all of their classic franchises. This is just a case of mistaken identity; you act as though Metroid needs multi-player simplybecause it's played from a first-person perspective. On the two occasions that Samus has had a little identity crisis and ventured into multi-player territory, she's failed miserably. An "And" Nintendo could perhaps just make a FPS and give that multi-player. But honestly, what's the point? Name one first person shooter these days that doesn't have on-line multi-player.
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