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Most people liked Prime 1 better. It was paced better, was easier, and had more memorable environments. Many people were turned off by the dark/light world cliche.
Why are you finding it "hard to play Corruption"?
I think Echoes Had a lot inside and didnt quite matched the essence of ehat made prime so great, prime was a more free game, the worlds were vast, and one thing that ticked me off in echoes is the new amo system, the fact that your beams ran out of amo was...not good, Corruption is great, a perfect ending to a great the SPOILERS!!! final boss fight Vs Aurora Unit 313 was kind of easy, but it reminded me of the fight versus Mother Brain back in the SNES metroid, so it did is job of keeping it memorable SPOILERS END!!!!
But at the end...Prime was almost perfectlu made, and the fact that most people remember the series by the fights with Metaridley, Metroid Prime or the Omega pirate, and its gorgeous worlds, makes it even better
Echoes is my favorite. It was longer and more challenging. The ammo system, Light/Dark Concept, and tougher enemies made me feel like the pressure was always on. The other two games had almost a leisure feel to them; a mood that doesn't fit a game about a bounty hunter trying to save the Galaxy and herself. Also, since Prime was the first 3D Metroid, they played it safe and made what basically amounted to a 3D version of Super Metroid. I felt like Echoes was a breath of fresh air after playing two entries in the series that were so similar.
Corruption was my least favorite, I think. It wasn't as engrossing for some reason. (Ironic, considering the control scheme). Enjoying Echoes as much as I did, I guess I found Corruption a bit boring, especially that epic nothing they were audacious enough to call a final boss fight.
Corruption was my least favorite, I think. It wasn't as engrossing for some reason. (Ironic, considering the control scheme). Enjoying Echoes as much as I did, I guess I found Corruption a bit boring, especially that epic nothing they were audacious enough to call a final boss fight.
I completely of the major reasons it wasn't as engrossing was the simple fact that Metroid generally left you at the hands of isolation and never knew what would happen, and if something did happen it was generally not a good thing (boss battle, massive group of enemies). It gave you a sense of desperation and survival...Corruption ruined the whole overall feel of 'Metroid' world because there was constant communication and interaction with the soliders...***spolier, somewhat*** and you would think the pirate base would be more of an impactful feel rather than just another mines (prime 1).***end***
the game was really well done from a control and visual standpoint...but everything else sort of steered too much away
I seriously hated the caves and the mines in Prime 1. Except for Norion at the beginning, which didn't feel like Metroid, I loved everything in Corruption, plus you could use your ship for backtracking which was so much more comfortable than running through the huge world in MP1. Also, you didn't have to switch between different weapons, just like in the 2D Metroids. I prefer the music in MP1 though.
Corruption>Prime>>>>>Echoes, imo, but Super Metroid is superior to all of them.
To me Metroid Prime 3 is what prime should have been like from the start.
So to me, I like Corruption > Prime >>>>> The crap that was Echoes.
Obviously, I own all 3 Prime titles, but I totally played them in the wrong order. First I beat Echoes, than Prime 1, now I'm playing Corruption (switiching between that and Twilight Princess). But I've noticed something: It appears I've enjoyed Prime 1 a lot more than Echoes. Why is that? It took me a whole blasted year to beat Echoes (I procrastinated), & I'm finding it hard to play Corruption (I won't stand for that). But for some unknown reason, I couldn't put down Prime 1. Why? Was it the inclusion of Ridley? Was it the fact that it featured some Chozo history? Was it the fact that *SPOILERS* after you get 100% completion that you get to see how Dark Samus is created? *SPOILERS end* I just don't know. What is it about Prime 1 that makes it hard to put down?Darth_Nater307
You only mention details that certainly add a lot to the game, but aren't related to the core gameplay and amazing art direction and level design that make Metroid Prime the beast it is.
Frankly, how is that "inclusion of Ridley" makes someone enjoy everything that comes before and after his battle, that is, 95% of the game? :|
It goes Prime > Corruption > Echoes.
Prime was pretty much the epitome of awesomeness the first time I played it, and still is today.
I'd really have to say I prefer Corruption better to the others. I've heard the argument against the desolation aspect of the Metroid series, and for me the Valhalla sequence was enough to satisfy. I appreciated how Corruption had a logical reason for you to experience multiple environments via several planets as opposed to yet another planet that has the amazing coincidence of having a barren tundra wasteland RIGHT next to an active lava hotspot which is right next to a heavy construction area. The control was also the tightest of the series, and I definitely enjoyed going back to the stacking beam system instead of constantly interchanging them like in MP and Echoes.
Its like how I feel on the OOT and 3D Mario debate. Just because it got the 3D right first doesn't make it the best in its series, what matters is the one thats the most fun to play.
That being said, Super Metroid, Link to the Past, and Super Mario World are all the highest point in each of their series.
I'd really have to say I prefer Corruption better to the others. I've heard the argument against the desolation aspect of the Metroid series, and for me the Valhalla sequence was enough to satisfy. I appreciated how Corruption had a logical reason for you to experience multiple environments via several planets as opposed to yet another planet that has the amazing coincidence of having a barren tundra wasteland RIGHT next to an active lava hotspot which is right next to a heavy construction area. The control was also the tightest of the series, and I definitely enjoyed going back to the stacking beam system instead of constantly interchanging them like in MP and Echoes.
Its like how I feel on the OOT and 3D Mario debate. Just because it got the 3D right first doesn't make it the best in its series, what matters is the one thats the most fun to play.
That being said, Super Metroid, Link to the Past, and Super Mario World are all the highest point in each of their series.
Seriously, how is that annoying? Look at Earth itself and the different environments. Now, if you expect Retro to have made a real size planet so it would be more "logical" to have different areas, it's just silly. Like you want varied areas to be canned in an adventure game for the sake of "logic"... :|
Seriously, how is that annoying? Look at Earth itself and the different environments. Now, if you expect Retro to have made a real size planet so it would be more "logical" to have different areas, it's just silly. Like you want varied areas to be canned in an adventure game for the sake of "logic"... :|
I didn't say it was an annoying feature, I said I appreciated Retro for mixing it up. I realize that Earth has some varied environments as well, but you do have to admit, having a swamp, a desert ruin, a frozen tundra, active volcano, and a construction based mining facility within a mile of each other is a bit silly. I'm not saying its a dumb idea, I just appreciated a fresher way of arranging it is all.
I played them in chronological order. But in terms of how good they were I would list them as.
Metroid Prime
Prime was the best, the environments bosses everything was memorable, I got 100% in both logs, and missles/health. I can't explain why it was so good you just have to play it.
Echoes was the worst of the 3 it had the cliche dark world/ light world thing. Which I think made it harder to navigate at certain points in the game. I got lost more often then the 1st one. Plus the settings didn't have the nice environments like the 1st imo. It was good just wasn't the best out of the triliogy.
Corruption was good, cause it was fun, and had a great story, and great flow through the game. The problem I had with it was... The game was so straightforward. It held your hand everywhere. It told you where the missles/health was, told you exactly where to go, and most of the time the room was a straight path so there was really no exploring to be done.
I didn't say it was an annoying feature, I said I appreciated Retro for mixing it up. I realize that Earth has some varied environments as well, but you do have to admit, having a swamp, a desert ruin, a frozen tundra, active volcano, and a construction based mining facility within a mile of each other is a bit silly. I'm not saying its a dumb idea, I just appreciated a fresher way of arranging it is all.
Yes, I got that. But it's not like we can expect something huger from last gen (yikes, I'm already talking as if GC/XBox/PS2 are old things from pre-history). In fact, Metroid Prime had several "transition" areas that added to the immersion and also to "logic".
My opinion is the same cliched one as everyone else. I've always felt Prime > Corruption >> Echoes. I loved the control scheme in Corruption and the varied environments felt very... real. It was a fantastic experience, although a bit of a silent end to an awesome trilogy. The original was very much a tribute to Super Metroid, with it's environments (and the transition elevators) being almost ripped from the Super Nintendo classic. I mean, the training area being a space station, one time visit, meeting Ridley up there, following Ridley to the planet below, the landing grounds looking identical, with a dark, rainy feeling, and almost all of the items aquired in almost the same order... It was a dream come true for me, and it was the whole reason my Gamecube felt worth it. Echoes... lags a little behind. It never quite immersed me as much, although it still blows most games out of the water. I was always a little bit lost in the world, despite feeling like things were closer together. I hit the bug which destroys your save file about 3/4 of the way through, and I've never managed to make it all of the way back up there since.
But the one thing that remains to be said is that this series as a whole proves the modern relevance of Metroid, bringing together FPS and adventure games alike. Hopefully we won't have to wait forever until another 3-d Metroid reaches the light of day, andwith the DS still going strong, a new 2-d Metroid adventure in the vein of Super Metroid (gimme a free roaming world heavily based on item gathering as a means to move forward, not some computer telling me which room to go to). With a little exstensive planning, the formula could be perfected by degrees (like having branching paths, or something not-so-linear of an experience).
I loved Echoes for all the reasons you dislike Echoes. So, I agree that what you're saying is true, but I disagree that those are bad things. I liked the Dark World because I believe that when you are all by yourself on a foreign planet fighting through hordes of aliens that slaughtered an entire ship of hardened marines, it's supposed to be hard. You're supposed to feel uncomfortable. Ammo management forced you to think about what you're shooting and how you're shooting it. Strategy. If the game were impossible if you ran out of ammo, that would be one thing, but there was always a sac or bug or something nearby containing ammo. Besides a charged shot always had the desired effect.
As far as Corruption goes, it's not there's less backtracking. The backtracking is just easier because you get to fly the ship around. It's nice to be able to teleport in some cases instead of hiking across a planet. Besides, if you want 100%, there will be plenty of backtracking to keep you busy.
Finish Echoes, then enjoy Corruption.
In Corruption because you don't revisit areas multiple times you don't get the chance to do what Prime did... every time you cross through an area again there was something else you didn't realize the first time through, like a new wall you could blast, or a new path out of the area etc.raahsnavj
That's actually false. Corruption does have you backtrack. The most noticable is when you must explore the destroyed Galactic Federation ship, Valhalla. You will have to backtrack from that ship who knows how many times...
[QUOTE="raahsnavj"] In Corruption because you don't revisit areas multiple times you don't get the chance to do what Prime did... every time you cross through an area again there was something else you didn't realize the first time through, like a new wall you could blast, or a new path out of the area etc.SomeOddGuy
That's actually false. Corruption does have you backtrack. The most noticable is when you must explore the destroyed Galactic Federation ship, Valhalla. You will have to backtrack from that ship who knows how many times...
I stand corrected. Maybe a better word would have been "you don't revisit significant areas as much"?As like most things, there is a positive for some and negative for others... I do see your point of view though. I really should get back to echoes...raah-
I loved Echoes for all the reasons you dislike Echoes. So, I agree that what you're saying is true, but I disagree that those are bad things. I liked the Dark World because I believe that when you are all by yourself on a foreign planet fighting through hordes of aliens that slaughtered an entire ship of hardened marines, it's supposed to be hard. You're supposed to feel uncomfortable. Ammo management forced you to think about what you're shooting and how you're shooting it. Strategy. If the game were impossible if you ran out of ammo, that would be one thing, but there was always a sac or bug or something nearby containing ammo. Besides a charged shot always had the desired effect.
As far as Corruption goes, it's not there's less backtracking. The backtracking is just easier because you get to fly the ship around. It's nice to be able to teleport in some cases instead of hiking across a planet. Besides, if you want 100%, there will be plenty of backtracking to keep you busy.
Finish Echoes, then enjoy Corruption.
I'd go with my all time favorite Prime 3 Corruption.
I love Prime when I played it... it was a 3D take on Super Metroid so to say. It was fun to explore the world of Talon and to read up on the history of the Chozos. The boss fights were memorable. Awesome game to play.
Prime 2 (Echoes).. I was so so with. It was interesting at first since you get to fight Dark Samus... but the whole Light/Dark thing kinda put me off. I will admit that the idea was cool. But the biggest thing that bothered me was the amount of traveling back and forth between Light n Dark just to get the items was painful. The boss fights weren't as memorable as Prime was. The game was harder... I didn't mind it.. but was frustrating. Also it was like the same as Prime exploring one planet.. only you had two sides of it.. Light and Dark. I pushed myself to finish Echoes only cause Corruption was coming out on Wii.. so I wanted to get Echoes done and over with.
Prime 3 (Corruption)... The game I love the Best of all 3. Was an improvement and in a way a step back per say. Love that fact there is voice acting in it.. (finally) Also love the fact you use your ship to fly to different areas in the game (a first for Metroid game) also calling your ship in to blast walls, etc. The Controls were Awesome in the game.. you feel more involved in the game. Yes this game has Less Backtracking and more direct.. but that's not a bad thing. It may not have a gigantic feel as Prime did..(which is why I say a step back) BUT... It was more Action! Your constantly shooting something whether a space pirate.. drone.. Metroid.. or a being of the world your in. The story was awesome to rap up the Trilogy story. The boss fights for me were more fun here and memorable too! I think the biggest reason I love this game was cause even though you may not have been exploring a big world/planet like Prime.. BUT if you look at it.. the adventure in this game was really bigger even though it may not feel like it... Cause your traveling to different planets, also to solve what's going on.. and got to visit the pirates home world.. and travel to other parts in space. All to stop Dark Samus! So even though it was more straight forward it was something I can overlook considering the different things you can do in this game versus its previous Prime games.
That's my take on it!
(PM me here if you added my Wii Code &/Or any of my game codes... Give me your code so I can add ya!)
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