As we all know Metroid is a child from the Nintendo company that we have been cradling, loving, and nuturing (with constantly shoving 40 dollars down its throat) for the past I dont know... 23 years!? And its come to my attention that Metroid stopped being innovative after Fusion, and the 1st Prime and Hunters games. Now as we all know the switch from 2d platformer to 3d shooter kinda upset fans around the world (including me) for quite some time, but soon we realized it was still Metroid, still good'ol power up finding, missle tank expanding, epic boss battling fun.
But if Nintendo can easily make a simple 2d platformer like the metroid series into a beatiful 3d, 1st person shooterm then why can't they make something just as good if not better of a different genre. Now, it maybe just me, but aren't alot of you getting tired of the Metroid Prime games, but are not willing to devolve back into the 2d era? Have you ever wanted to control more characters of the Metroid universe in games (if any of you say Ridley I'll slit your throats), Or have you ever just wanted Samus to have a little companionship? *cough* Mass Effect *cough*. Then lets hope Nintendo can own up and make a Metroid RPG, so they can introduce a like able cast of characters and maybe a more interesting story.
Now I know there maybe alot of "haters" and "haxxorz" out there that don't want to see there beloved mindless baby (Metroid Prime) become something a bit more intellegent and matur, but I think as long as Nintendo keeps the spirit of the series intact, than the switch to any genre in their beloved Metroid series will be happiy accepted (Metroid Kart anyone?).
The combat in metroid should be of course turn-based with rhythmic timing (ala Mario RPG land of the 7 stars... GENO!) and rhytmic action machanics (ala fallouts 1 & 2). The party members in the game should be interchangable by some home hub (Samus' gunship maybe bigger than we think) and of course the party members should feature 1 idiotic space marine character that will rot from misuse and the colorful cast of the Humters series and metroid prime 3 corruption. Items in the game should be your typical RPG companions ala potions and ethers, and of course this is Metroid here so Samus will lose all of her power-ups at the beginning of the game and will have to earn them via boss battles and improve them via grinding (fun grind)
Samus should also receives different techniques for her power ups, for example, the morph ball can be a useful tool in combat to increase your chances of hitting smaller enemies and should also serve as a tool to explore small areas and solve puzzles (yes there will be puzzles). Samus should also be able to team up with her partners for combo attacks (which should provide a bit more action). Nintendo should also throw in a couple new power-ups and equips other than the standard gravity suit and via varia suit. And how about a new villain? I don't know about you, but I;m tired of smacking around a dinosaur/bird thing that turns into a robot form of itself EVERY GAME!
So to all you Metroid fans talk about this great idea. Support it (yay for you!) or hate it (you suck) or just plain suggest (7% chance I'll actually listen.)
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