I have another word for those ideas, correct. Just because a lot of people think the wrong thing is right, doesn't actually make it right. You know there was a time when everyone swore the world was flat and the Earth was the center of the universe and we saw how that turned out. You want to believe a game where your path is clearly defined is not linear, go right ahead, if 100 people want to agree with you, they can knock themselves out. But at the end of the day, that just makes a 101 people wrong. You go play a real open world game and then come back and tell me that Metroid is one.
I only said Naughty Dog because they are an amazing company with an amazing Third person shooter, which would be what metroid would be, although with the action toned down, and the exploration and puzzles made far greater. If you are talking about linearity like that then sure your right, but I don't consider that linear. You dont have to just do the main quests. There is so much to do in Zelda games and even Metroid (although not as much).
Yeah there are sidequest(something I would like to see more of in Skyward Sword actually) you could even make a case for Metroid with the upgrades being side missions, because there is an overworld. But you do have to do the main quest to beat the game and you have to do it in the order set out in front of you. Even some of the ultra linear games like Gears of War and Uncharted, let you do things outside of the main mission objectives like finding those newspaper clippings or treasures. Its really no different in practice than going off the beaten path to find a missile upgrade.Like I've said before, what is viewed as openess in Zelda and Metroid is illusion, an illusion I thoroughly enjoy, but I don't kid myself and say its not linear. But unlike many, I don't view linear as a bad thing, like most people seem to do these days; so I don't need to look for every excuse to say the game that I love is not linear. Here's a prime example, No More Heroes, you could ride your bike around, do side missions, run over that one person that lived in Santa Destroy lol, look for mask, train etc. but you couldn't fight Badgirl before Destroyman; completely linear.
And Naughty Dog? What about Retro, how did they get skipped over lol.
I see what you mean, but in that case there are hardly any games that are not linear. I define linearity differently then you, because to me, a game that is like metroid, Zelda and so on is just as open ended as Assassins Creed, althoug you can do different missions in AC to get to the final one.
I chose Naughty Dog because they have been doing great (and Uncharted is 3rd person), as to where Retro (IMO) dissapointed with Prime 3 (1 and 2 are in a different league) and although I have not beaten it yet, I dont like DKCR as much as DKC1-3. Solid games, but dissapointing IMO. I heard awhile ago the main two guys, left/died/ect. I wonder if thats true and how badly it affected them?
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