I am downloading it now.
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I am pretty excited to try it out. Probably get to it this weekend. If the demo is good, it might be a launch buy for me.
The framerate is freaking abysmal. At one point I was barely moving cuz of the slowdown. gfx were improved a little, but the framerate is unnaceptable. obvious low budget port. Also the aliasing is an eyesore. too bad that tech demo never came to frutition. at least that thing didn't lag.
The framerate is freaking abysmal. At one point I was barely moving cuz of the slowdown. gfx were improved a little, but the framerate is unnaceptable. obvious low budget port. Also the aliasing is an eyesore. too bad that tech demo never came to frutition. at least that thing didn't lag.
Is this with 3D on? Maybe the framerate and aliasing isnt so bad in 2D?
The framerate is freaking abysmal. At one point I was barely moving cuz of the slowdown. gfx were improved a little, but the framerate is unnaceptable. obvious low budget port. Also the aliasing is an eyesore. too bad that tech demo never came to frutition. at least that thing didn't lag.
Is this with 3D on? Maybe the framerate and aliasing isnt so bad in 2D?
its like that for both modes. 2d is like 20% better.(but 20% of 12fps isn't much :P)
it was fun, and by the way there is an update for SMB for the NES it allows you to create a restore point.
I was a little disappointed with this demo. The graphics were good, but not as good as Resident Evil Revelations; but Resident Evil was far smoother than this. The frame rate in this demo got choppy at times.
Also was not a fan of being forced tomuse motion control for the bridge. I was lying on my side in bed at the time, so actually had to sit up to do that part!
Moreover the AI seems pretty sub par. I never played the original MGS3 so I cannot compare it to that, but the enemies would often glimpse me crouch running, and then not bother to investigate! Even worse, is while one of the guards was looking in my direction, supposedly having seen something, I stood up and ran away and he didn't even notice!
It was alright though, it was fun at times, but I just wish that the 3ds would get the hd collection instead of this MGS3 remake, as it has obviously just not received the love it should have
I finished the demo and I gotta say... I enjoyed it more than I thought I would. The characters and some of the textures are nicely detailed (especially in 3D, but everything is also a little jaggy), and the audio is great. But I won't be picking this up anytime soon.
Played it, finished it, and the only thing I didn't like was walking across the bridge. You pretty much have to force 3D off when playing on anything that requires you to balance, which is a shame, because the 3D effect in this game is SOOOO pretty. I love it. Iw ish the game would include gyro controls for aiming. Other than that though, short demo that was sweet. Game looks really good for a handheld game, but I don't think I'll be buying it day 1. I'd like to get it later on down the line though, maybe when it's even cheaper. yoshi_643D is automatically shut-off while using first-person aiming or gyro controls. I just played it again to make sure. :)
It's really interesting but I think the aiming is really poor. If only gyro or touchscreen aiming were allowed...
Definitely getting a CPP for this. Not that I need it, but I'd feel more comfortable with it. Was surprised to find that the face-button aiming wasn't as bad as I thought it was going to be.
I had no real framerate issues at all... :/ I played it with 3D on the whole time...The framerate is freaking abysmal. At one point I was barely moving cuz of the slowdown. gfx were improved a little, but the framerate is unnaceptable. obvious low budget port. Also the aliasing is an eyesore. too bad that tech demo never came to frutition. at least that thing didn't lag.
[QUOTE="painguy1"]I had no real framerate issues at all... :/ I played it with 3D on the whole time...The framerate is freaking abysmal. At one point I was barely moving cuz of the slowdown. gfx were improved a little, but the framerate is unnaceptable. obvious low budget port. Also the aliasing is an eyesore. too bad that tech demo never came to frutition. at least that thing didn't lag.
im sorry, but im calling BS on that.
I had some framerate issues for a minute but it was only during the cutscenes. It isn't going to alter my getting of this game at all though! I am super excited to get it! The demo was awesome!
Check out my video in my signature. I need everyone that can watch it too watch it. I need a lot of views so watch it and spread the word about it! http://youtu.be/Ud213ozQrjg
I didnt like the games framerate, it was horrible.The graphics couldve been improved, and i didnt get that wow feeling with the 3d like i did with Resident evil revelations. Hoping its all fixed on release.
I had no real framerate issues at all... :/ I played it with 3D on the whole time...[QUOTE="yoshi_64"][QUOTE="painguy1"]
The framerate is freaking abysmal. At one point I was barely moving cuz of the slowdown. gfx were improved a little, but the framerate is unnaceptable. obvious low budget port. Also the aliasing is an eyesore. too bad that tech demo never came to frutition. at least that thing didn't lag.
im sorry, but im calling BS on that.
Eh, I'm not saying it was completely smooth and stutter free, but it was never really jarring enough to ruin the game at all for me. You could feel it dip a little, or stutter perhaps, in some instances, but it didn't play as abysmal as you made it sound to be at all. I had no issues with slowdown being so bad "I was barely moving" as you said. I would call BS on that but hey... I couldn't care less.Graphics were decent, not nearly as good as RE. The gun aiming kinda stunk. The ability to crouch walk in front of someone and not have them see you was lame. The bridge was annoying (getting shot off and having to X to get back on). The balancing on a branch was weak. All that said it wasn't that bad and I'll probably pick it up when it's on sale.
I had no real framerate issues at all... :/ I played it with 3D on the whole time...[QUOTE="yoshi_64"][QUOTE="painguy1"]
The framerate is freaking abysmal. At one point I was barely moving cuz of the slowdown. gfx were improved a little, but the framerate is unnaceptable. obvious low budget port. Also the aliasing is an eyesore. too bad that tech demo never came to frutition. at least that thing didn't lag.
im sorry, but im calling BS on that.
I didn't have any either, maybe your the one BSing.You sound bad at the game, your not supposed to be caught and shot at.Graphics were decent, not nearly as good as RE. The gun aiming kinda stunk. The ability to crouch walk in front of someone and not have them see you was lame. The bridge was annoying (getting shot off and having to X to get back on). The balancing on a branch was weak. All that said it wasn't that bad and I'll probably pick it up when it's on sale.
I don't like the face button aiming and camera movement.
thats a serious adjustment to make for me for some reason lol
Looks worse than the ps2 game, terrible aliasing, terrible draw-in/pop-in with the grass, frame rate drops, and more or less needs the Circle Pad Pro to help the controls out. Not only all that, but there's still the need to pause the game too frequently. What was the point of this release?
The controls are just the same as the PSP games, which worked fine for me. If you need CPP then get it, you have options at least. I never had issues with this control scheme on the PSP games nor here on the 3DS. Also I would like to say, you can tap the touch screen icons to get into the page you need to change your camo, eat food, etc without pausing the game. It still "pauses" the game, but it's less a hassle then "Pausing" > Select option > fiddle > Unpause, as you just can "Select option > Fiddle" and be done.Looks worse than the ps2 game, terrible aliasing, terrible draw-in/pop-in with the grass, frame rate drops, and more or less needs the Circle Pad Pro to help the controls out. Not only all that, but there's still the need to pause the game too frequently. What was the point of this release?
I had no real framerate issues at all... :/ I played it with 3D on the whole time...[QUOTE="yoshi_64"][QUOTE="painguy1"]
The framerate is freaking abysmal. At one point I was barely moving cuz of the slowdown. gfx were improved a little, but the framerate is unnaceptable. obvious low budget port. Also the aliasing is an eyesore. too bad that tech demo never came to frutition. at least that thing didn't lag.
im sorry, but im calling BS on that.
Why, exactly, would he lie about such a thing?The camera controls were awkward and I'll most likely buy the circle pad for this game. Other than that, I thought it was fun.
[QUOTE="rgsniper1"]You sound bad at the game, your not supposed to be caught and shot at.Graphics were decent, not nearly as good as RE. The gun aiming kinda stunk. The ability to crouch walk in front of someone and not have them see you was lame. The bridge was annoying (getting shot off and having to X to get back on). The balancing on a branch was weak. All that said it wasn't that bad and I'll probably pick it up when it's on sale.
In all honesty, I was sneaking just fine but I got impatient because my baby was wanting me to hold her. So yeah I did get seen and chased (actually just stood up and ran through the level) and therefor fired upon. But that doesn't mean the things I said aren't true. That's why in the end I said I'd end up buying it, when I was actually "playing" the game it was decent enough for me to buy. When I started actually breaking down the specifics of the game it kinda fell apart, and those things really didn't come into play as much until I got careless.... but yeah, they are all true.
PS2 version is still the best :lol:Spinnerweb
The HD version just released is the best, the ps2 is second best. The game could have been so much more. To think I actually put off buying the hd version to wait for this one...
I'm not a big MGS fan but I thought I'd give the demo a try anyway to see if it'd be worth picking up.
I played through it and found it better than I thought I would. I had a few frame rate issues but nothing to big and it didn't interfere with the gameplay, the 3D was good but not as good as I expected.
The controls took a little time to get used to but when I did they were realy solid, the aiming with the face buttons is better than I first though it would be and with the CPP the controls will most likely be better still.
The biggest problem was the AI, it's just dumb, I could almost run right up to the soldiers and not be spotted and if they did spot me it was easy to escape.
After playing through the demo I've decided not to bother getting it as I didn't find it fun. Like I said before, I'm not a big fan of the MGS games and knew beforehand there was a big chance I wouldn't enjoy it. Don't get me wrong, it's a good game it's just not for me.
After playing through the demo I've decided not to bother getting it as I didn't find it fun. Like I said before, I'm not a big fan of the MGS games and knew beforehand there was a big chance I wouldn't enjoy it. Don't get me wrong, it's a good game it's just not for me.
If the 3DS is your only means to play it, I'd wait for a slight price drop, and then go for it. The game takes a minute to get going, but the story is told VERY well, and has some really epic moments.
After playing through the demo I've decided not to bother getting it as I didn't find it fun. Like I said before, I'm not a big fan of the MGS games and knew beforehand there was a big chance I wouldn't enjoy it. Don't get me wrong, it's a good game it's just not for me.
If the 3DS is your only means to play it, I'd wait for a slight price drop, and then go for it. The game takes a minute to get going, but the story is told VERY well, and has some really epic moments.
I've played it on the PS2 before and couldn't get into it then either. I thought I'd give this one a try anyway to see if it could change my mind about the game but it didn't.
I may pick it up if I find it cheap, really cheap, but that's still very unlikely.
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