So I share an apartment with my old college roomate, in our living room is my Wii. We play it together all the time, and obviously there's a bunch of times we play single player on our own.
My roomate has this annoying habit of not turning off the game or the system when he's done playing, he'll just turn off the TV and forget about it.
Case in point, last night I went to bed around 1am, he was still up playing Guitar Hero III. I woke up this morning and the TV was off but thesystem was still on, and when I turned the TV on the game was still on a menu screen. He essentially just turned the TV off, put the guitar down, and went to bed.
I'm not an anal guy, I don't sweat the little things, but my concern is that this could do damage to the system. It might be a stupid thought, but my question is, could it? For some reason I don't think this could be GOOD for the system, but I also am not sure if it's really BAD.
Anyways, any insight would be appreciated ...
- KenSPT
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