Nintendo has always come out with star fox f-zero, wave race, pilotwings early in each systems life cycle. I don't think fans should have to wait until wii is on it's death bed for Nintendo to finally go oh yeah we do have other franchises. We still need a proper mario golf and tennis as well. We still need a proper paper mario, we still need an a new fire emblem for wii, not a game built for the GC and then moved to wii. Don't get me wrong the game was good, but Nintendo needsto put out more than just left overs from last generation. Rogue Squadron is not happening anymore. To be honest I doubt some of these games like cursed mountain will be that amazing. Wehad a lot more of these veteran franchises in the same time period on N64 and GC then we have had on wii.By 99 N64 had wave race,actualnew zelda, f-zero, and pilotwings with kirby on the way.By 2004Nintendo had Wave Race, Star Fox, F-zero, Paper Mario, Mario Golf, RogueSquadron, It had cool multiplats like Mortal Kombat,Soul Calibur 2, Prince of Persia, Tony Hawk when it was still good beyond good and evil, Fight Night and so forth. It had new Ip's likePikmin, Eternal Darkness, Baten Kaitos.
I see the topics about what cool games to get on wii and it's always like the same 10 games over and over. I mean everyone says that there is a whole lot of games on Wii, but yet everyone names the same ones or says to go back and play the VC.
You can basically get VC games on your PC now and with some of the collections coming out like the sonic one for the other systems why spend 8 dollars for one sega game when I can spend 30 and get 50 sega games. Also with the old games like street fighter and mortal kombat that come out in Arcade perfect condition with added online, why would I buy the VC version with no added content that costs more money? I am not trying to say it's all bad, but when you can get more and a better version of games somewhere else, why play be stuck with the Wii version? Half of you that name the cool games coming out don't even know if it will be good. You are just hyping the game.
Everyone hyped the Conduit and look how that turned out. It wasn't bad per se but it wasn't the killer app title people made it out to be. So far this year most of the veteran titles have been remakes. I didn't buy a wii to play PS1 or GC titles. It's a shame that people think that this is brand new stuff when it isn't or the excuse " I only own a wii so I have to support these games" No you don't, you can demand that the developers actually put effort into games and go beyond GC and PS1. With you buying these remakes, that only says to Nintendo and developers why make new games when we can just shovel out old games and still make a bundle.
I find it amamzing that RE 4 still sold like hot cakes when it has come out 3 times, new controls or not, seriously.
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