Just bought no more heroes for the wii yesterday, and after and hour of playing it , I couldnt believe how repetive it was. The same sword motions and chops over and over again. Also has a somewhat eratic framerate I noticed. Does this game get better as it goes on, like more weapons or something? If not im going to have to return it.:(
I don't know how far you are in, but the boss fights are darn good and require strategy, not just mindless A-pressing. I died repeatedly and very quickly on quite a few of the fights until I figured out how to counter their attacks and what to do in general.
To me, the "repetition" of fighting was no big deal, and was actually quite fun. Would it have made a difference to you if they'd mapped high attacks to one button and low attacks to another and you could alternate between pressing one button or the other like in different games?
The weapons get upgraded, and the wrestling moves you can do get more and more elaborate. There are also special modes that get activated by the casino slot machine-thingy, wherein you end up killing enemies in different ways (like aiming at them or hitting the correct button for extremely gory and cool fatalities.)
I'd say play a little longer before you return it.
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