Shigeru Miyamoto has admitted that he needs first-time players to pick up Star Fox 64 3D in order for the series to be reborn.
During a revealing Iwata Asks discussion, Miyamoto said: "I told Dylan-san (Dylan Cuthbert, Star Fox co-creator) that if this game wasn't interesting, I couldn't make any more Star Fox games! I said, "If first-time players like this game, Star Fox will be reborn!" That's how much I'm counting on this one game!
"So if there's anyone out there who wants to look at the future, please play this! (laughs)"
There hasn't been a brand new Star Fox game since Star Fox Command was released for DS in 2007. It seems that if you want any more Star Fox games to be released in the future, Star Fox 64 3D needs to be a success.
The other link takes you to the Iwata Asks feature on Star Fox 64 3D.
Sorry if this counts as advertising I'm just saying what Miyamoto said.
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