Hey guys, my parents thinkthat both Medal of Honour Heroes 2 and Batallion Wars 2 are too violent for me to get. Can anyone think of any was to convince them to let me get either of them, and which one you guys think is better.
MOHH2 I can understand, because it's going for the realistic look. I have BWii, though, and it is a lot of fun, and DEFINITELY not graphic in any way. The cartoony characters don't show any blood or anything remotely violent, and there's no bad language at all.
try showing them a gameplay video of BWii, that might change there mind when they see actual gameplay, right now there most likely just thinking, it has to do with war so it must be violent.
I also tried saying I would be less violent if I got either of the games, because then whenever I'm mad I'll just go in the basement and kill people in the game.
Its not the graphics that bug them its the war concept itselfWiiBaller
How old are you? I think if you're anywhere over 12 than your parents are being [way] over protective, these games won't affect you AT ALL, well at least BWii won't.
Hehe, I remember playing GTA2 when I was like ten :D.
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