The rumour is that a Monster Hunter game with come to the 3DS named Monster Hunter 3G, and another rumour saying that Nintendo still plans on somehow adding a second analog stick under the face buttons, which gives me another thought.
I saw monster hunter 3G. Now it won't feature anything 3G like or anything, but then I thought of a possible Nintendo 3DS remodel idea.
A nintendo 3DS with 3G installed and the 2nd analog stick built in. I'veread somewhere that Nintendo talked about how they were interested in the concept and liked how amazon kindle used it. Now it would make more sense to make a remodel like this rather then what I've heard like getting rid of 3D all together and like doing a whole overhaul. It could be that the 3DS is having a wi-fi model with dual analogs and a 3G model with dual analogs, with a much smaller redesign. I know it's highly unlikely, but makes more sense then making a 3DS lite this early. Also if they are making a 3DS analog stick accesory then they will probably just make it built in for future models. I don't think it wil happen, but just a thought. Anyways I hope this Monster Hunter 3G is true as well as the analog stick accesory. I don't know how the accesory will work, but it would be nice to have.
I want to post the link to the story but I get errors, search 3DS Monster Hunter and Slide Pad Expansion in This Week's Famitsu on google or whatever and you should get the story.
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