Hi there my 3DS XL came in the post today (27th), released tommorow here in England. Ive just put it on charge and then I have to transfer everything over from my old red small 3DS. Ive not turned it on yet obviously as its charging but let me know if you have any questions you want answered as I know alot of people are from america on here who won't get one for a few more weeks. (LAZY NINTENDO)
But first impressions from looking at the console is WOW! Ive looked at tons of pictures and video but it looks amazing in real life and the screens are massive. I didnt think i would be that impressed with the screens as im always on my vita (5 inch screen) and Ipad (10 inch) but they are still massive when you open up the console, probably the fact that there is 2 screens makes it all seem bigger.
Anyway, any questions let me know and I'll get back to you once its charged up later.
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