heres some ideas i got:
Luigi's Mansion: House of Horrors
A sequal to Luigi's Mansion for NGC. In LM:HOH a mysterious agent has bought his beloved mansion and offered him a new one in an uncharted land a little ways away from his first one. Little does he know he is walking into a trap. sure this new mansion is better and nicer than his old one but it in an unchrted area for a reason. its been HAUNTED FOR 100 YEARS!!! with even creepier and stranger ghosts than before. Instead of searching for his brother Mario this time he is trying to save himself from becomeing a ghost! if he doesnt watch out...they get him!! luckily he runs into professer E. Gadd's brother who helps him exterminate the mansion and uses the money to buy new gear.
The game is played with Wii Remote + Nunchuck and u piont to suck and swing the Wii Remote to use some new gear and uses Wii Connect24 to trade ghost credits to buy extras.
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