This is the email I sent to Nintendo which contains the idea. Though they will probably delete it, do you think it is a good idea?
This is less of a question and more of suggestion, but please listen, this one is good. For the 3DS, the viewing area is very small and I think I know how to fix this. By using face tracking software, like the technology used in "Looksleys Line Up" the 3DS can detect if the player's head is moving and adjust the 3D image to where the player's eyes are, while they play the game. Though this may be hard to do while a game is running, I believe this is worth a try. (To the person reading this, or computer) Could you please send/email this to someone in charge/Reggie Fils-Aime? Thank You!
I'll develop a little different your idea, since "adjust the 3D image" is technically not feasible due to the 3DS top screen technology.
What could be done using your proposed "face tracking" is the following:
- The screen shows a 3D image while your viewing angle is inside the sweet spot.
- If the "face tracking" detects you're outside the sweet spot, then the screen displays a 2D image (as if the 3D slider was all the way down, even though it isn't).
- When you get into the sweet spot again, the screen displays again a 3D image.
It won't display3Dalways, but it could be possible to avoid blurriness. Of course, this is just in theory and not considering the side effects of constant changing between 3D and 2D.
the very last sentece is the issue: constant switching from 2D to 3D would most likely cause a migraine.Yes, it could happen. But it would be interesting to test what is more displeasing: switching from 3D to blurriness, or switching from 3D to 2D.
And thinking further, it may be possible to program a transition between real 3D and fake 3D.
Now I want a development kit for 3DS, hehe. :D
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