I bought a DS Lite when I saw how good my "DOOM" and "Wolfenstein" GBA carts looked on it's screen and how the DS Lite was easier on my adult hands and a BIT less emasculating in design. I only ever got a hand-full of DS games, two of them being versions of "Tiger Woods" so they kinda don't count as multiple titles in a sense.
We buy tech because we want the functionality, and I would make use of a camera function on my DS if the pictures look decent, because I don't have a suitable digital camera yet, and having dual functionality (not to mention a semi-legit reason to carry my DS to boring spots my chick may dig but I don't) is an excellent idea... for those of you who travel a bunch, you know i speak volumes when I say that every inch in a case and every pound in a backpack begins to mean something/ add up...
... There was a time, not so long ago, where a lot of us in the gaming community raised an eyebrow at the touch screen, the dual screen, and other little bits of tech when Nintendo announced the DS in the first place... some were bold enough to say that the GBA was enough, and that we didn't need the DS.
"One screen is enough, what are they going to do with TWO??? Sounds like a GIMMICK..."
Yeah, and what a cool gimmick it turned out to be, with the ability to remove all HUD information from the action screen without screwing up the player and a touch interface which, in the instance of "Tiger Woods" say, involves the player so much more than a D-Pad ever could by making you perfect your swing just like the actual game of golf does. A mini-Wii experience, if you will.
The Japanese (and really, the rest of the flippin' WORLD) are leaps and bounds further down the road when it comes to electronic connectivity with each other or the Internet... if you live in America you are dealing with a crawling-speed tech tree when it comes to accurate, widespread public WiFi and as a result, you don't see the benefits of a camera facing the user, but in Japan they'll have software like the chat room function available at launch, and it'll work really well I suspect... hand-held gaming systems are doing the same thing Apple is trying to do with it's tech: Knock a suprise hole in the competition in terms of multi-functional capabilities. They want you to use your DS for texting instead of your LG handset that you pay Sprint or TeleMex big money to use... steal your attention, because in this day & age, attention means tall cash. So here ya go... you'll finally be able to flash your naughty bits in real-time using your DS instead of texting a pic... huzzah.
Tech is changing constantly, and you only get mad if you're not willing to get burned... because in an ever-shifting landscape the burns come fast and furious. Folks, we KNOW this by now... it's like smoking cigarettes, you KNOW it's gonna cause all sorts of health problems now and claiming ignorance won't save you. Anyone who rides a surf board will tell you there's a time where you fall off, that's the cost of the thrill riding the curl. If you've got a DS Lite or even a Phat, you're looking on with slightly burned eyes, and hey - IT'S OK TO FEEL THAT WAY... I'll be big enough to admit that I'd like the new screens and the cameras (although I won't ever use anything but my iPod for music & movies, sorry Nintendo)... I'll admit that I feel SOMEWHAT ticked after just buying my girl a Lite last Spring and myself one the Winter just before that... but these are the times we live in, and I think that when the console gets to my shores "sometime in '09, maybe", I'll take a look at the functionality and quality of those functions here on my home ground (America might not be up to it, WiFi-wise... I mean, c'mon - "Beverly Hills Chihuahua" was the number-one box office draw this weekend and some of us are actually still considering that idiot McCain and his stooge-like "Hockey Mom" running mate a possibility for President - This country has a bad case of Cranial Rectosis aka "Head-Up-Booty Disease" so we'll see where we're at if you catch my drift. I wouldn't trust us with Crayons nowadays but I digress)... some of the functionality might never make it here, the Japanese are notorious for hoarding the mega-cool gadgets for their markets alone, we'll see...
... but it's way, way, WAY too early for anyone to be judging this thing, especially when it's not going to cost that much when it DOES come out and I'm sure just like the GBA SP, the resale shops will buy up all of those older DS Lites and even a few Phats along with that copy of "Metroid Hunters" you never play anymore because of hackers, anyway... to knock about 35%-40% off the cost of "upgrade" to the new hardware.
Oh... they're gonna have to come up with SOME way for me to port "DOOM", "DOOM II", and "Castle Wolfenstein" onto the bloody thing too.
THEN I'll buy.
But seriously, y'all... relax. This is a long way out, and a LOT of variables have yet to solidify for the Japanese market, let alone us Western jamokes.
Next Caller.
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