I currently have 5 games for my Wii: Super Mario Galaxy, Zelda - Twilight Princess, Metroid Prime 3, Wii Sports and Wii Play. Due to serious lack of time I'm only playing Zelda and Metroid and I wanted to share and discuss my impressions on Metroid. Tell me what you think (without spoiling any part of the story/items, please).
Metroid Prime 3: Corruption is literally amazing, I thought I wouldn't buy this because MP 2: Echoes didn't hook me up, but I have to thank Far Cry Vengeance (which disgusted me so much that I traded it in 18 hours after I bought it, and Metroid is what I got instead) that game convinced me I needed a shoother. A good one.
Metroid Prime 3 takes all the best from the prequels and boosts it up by adding a fantastic control scheme, which is by far the best use of the Wii controls I've seen so far: I'm still shocked about how easy it is to turn around and perform any action, they even added the ability to ball-jump by waving the Wiimote, which rid us of most bomb-jumps.
The addition of the ship cockpit part is fantastic: instead of a static menu to access your stats you get that awesome environment with arm cursor. The graphics are quite outdated and this may be a big drawback if you care for this kind of things. I don't, so I'll just move on.
A story? I was like: 'Metroid has a story?' You can talk to people and stuff like that? Wow. I call this a great improvement over MP1 and what I've seen of 2, though there's not much in terms of storytelling.
One little complaint I have is the game is too easy: MP1 was hell on earth, but this one is pretty forgiving. I know there are extra difficulty settings you can unlock, but we could have used them from the start.
It's a great game and everyone should play it.
Any praise or critic you wish to add?
EDIT: I'm going to post my thoughts on Zelda: TP pretty soon, cause I have a lot to say about it.
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