The top 10 things I would like announce for the Wii at E3?
1-Hard-Drive, to argue otherwise only shows fanboyism.
2-Worthwhile Nintendo Channel, I don't care what teen pop-stars are playing Wii tennis, I want to see Wii demos and trailers and a lot more than what they've provided so far. Again, to argue otherwise only shows fanboyism.
3-Re-implimentation of the Nintendo seal of Quality.
4-Wii Zelda, not just a Gamecube port.
5-Wii Resident Evil, not RE5, not an on-rails shooter.
6-2-D Wii Metroid game as epic as Super Metroid was back then. They could easily do an amazing 2-D Metroid on the Wii and still utilize the Wii pointer stick.
7-2-D Wii Castlevania. (No, not a fighter...)We all know they could do it, just as they could with Metroid, but will they?
8-Dragon Quest 9 is going on the DS, Dragon Quest Swords was a joke...where's a good Dragon Quest for the Wii?
9-Final Fantasy Tactics was epic. Advance for the GBA was really cartoony and so is Tactics Advance 2 for the DS. A FF Tactics game for the Wii would be awesome! Strategy RPG would be ideal for the Wii's control interface.
10-I don't have a tenth wish for the Wii at E-3. Nine things that will NEVER happen are plenty!
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