i need 10 pokes left. i will give them back once we trade i just want to get the national dex these are the dex #'s of the ten i need. any help will be appretaited
pokedex #:
#46 Wormadam. Its the route from Veilstone City to the Resort. Fight a beuty girl she has three of them
#117 Wooper....great marsh they are most common. Rain routes beside pastoria city work too.
#127 Skorupi....Great marsh binocular pokemon. (look through binoculars till you find it)..plenty of trainers fight with tem.
#134 Not sure where to fish, but I know some swimming trainers have them
#138 Collecters fight with them...or get lucky and catch one in the water of Mt. Coronet
#151Manaphy -- The Mansion/Garden owner has a book with its picture.
#152 Rotom.....Go into the old chateau (creepy old building in eterna forest) and hit the TV.
#168 Umbreon..get an eevee and make it fully happy then lvl up at night...I can't remeber what trainer has it sorry.
#169 Leafeon...1 trainer has it on the route from Pastoria to Hearthome...lvl up an eevee at moss rock. (in eterna forest.)
#183 Yanma...Plenty of trainers fight with it...daily binocular great marsh pokemon
Hope that helps to complete...if your catching them all well then you need to trade, but you can get the national dex without catching all of the pokes. Just see them all.
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