Hello all,
the past 2-3 week my internet connection on the wii has been really dodgy, the internet just keeps working and not working all in 2-4 hour long period. Now my wii is upsatairs and the internet router is downstairs. At first it hardly worked at all and i could only connect like an hour or so a day, but then i started fiddeling with it like, moving it away from the TV{ since it was right next to it} , moving objects away from it so it has a clear area, moving the actual internet router away from the pc a bit more { because the wirless router was near a wall full of copper pipes which i heard can mess up the wi-fi signels}. This seemed to work a little because now i can connect in the mornings, and sometimes in the after noon, but it doesnt work at night.What is REALLY weird is that whenever i cant connect to the internet on the wii, i get a good connection{ green with 2 bars usually } on the nintendo DS that i have. Now i know there aint somthing wrong with the wii shop channel becuase i even try using ' search for access point' on settings, and sometimes , as ive said , will pick up my router, and sometimes it wont. Has anyone got any ideas? i really need help because i really wana get connected for when i get mario kart for the wii:)
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