Just converted some music to aac files but the DSi will not recognize them from my sd card. Anyone else having this issue or know a answer?
The easiest way to do it to just get iTunes, and make AAC copies through the program itself. I did that, and it works just fine for me. You might want to try formatting the card before you do anything more with it as well.
AAC files aren't used. The accepted formats are: .M4A , .3GP, and .MP4. If you convert a file to AAC in iTunes it comes out to M4A if you open it in Finder (or Explorer if you're using Windows.)
AAC files aren't used. The accepted formats are: .M4A , .3GP, and .MP4. If you convert a file to AAC in iTunes it comes out to M4A if you open it in Finder (or Explorer if you're using Windows.)pttp_co_nr
Thank you, just realized this is excatly what I did. Problem solved :)
Hi, i need help, I used i tune and convert the file into aac, and it show that it's a mpeg 4 file already, i drag it to my SD card, but my dsi can't read it stating that cannot find any muusic (compatible AAC files) on the SD card. please help.
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