I have an xbox 360 as my main next gen system. However after beating halo 3 over and over and over again i found myself in a drought of what to play. I decided to pick up a Wii, along with component cables Zelda: TP and Metroid. I am playing metroid now and the game is absolutely fantastic, its so different from my 360 games, granted the graphics arent as nice, but I dont consider my wii to be my "main platform". It is an awesome complimentary system.
I am wondering what other games to get, I am not interested in most 3rd party wii games. I mainly purchased it for the Nintendo games. The games i own/plan to own are
Zelda: Tp
Mario Galaxy
that is only 4 games, I am wondering if anyone knows of any other insanely awesome "dont miss" wii titles that i should check out.
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