before I lay down my 500 wii points on Ninja Gaiden, I want to know exactly how difficult it is. I've beaten Kid Icarus multiple times, and both NES Zeldas (LoZ and Adventure of Link) too. Do you think I can handle it? I just don't want to pay for a game I'll never beat out of sheer difficulty. It looks like a cool game though. Thanks.
I have played Ninja Gaiden from the begining about 100 times now, heres the stats:
20 times on wii
80 times on old nes
killed by bosses 12 times-usually Malth and Jaqio(spelling? it's a weird name)
killed while jumping times.-10 by bats, 5 by axethrowing dudes,over a hundredF#&%ing times by those godforsakken mother****ing no good lame ass cheap shot whoring BIRDS. Maybe even more.
Beaten game since playing for first time ever in 1992-0 times.
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