Here is an 180% optimistic MotionPlus thread, so we can forget a bit the "it will b expensivezz!!" and "evil nitnendo didt releaz m+ tech @ launch 2 make teh moneyzzz!!!" comments. I think people around here are totally overlooking what will come from Nintendo from 2009 and on. But I first need your brain to be bursting with high expectations and daydreaming with gaming concepts. So if you haven't seen LiveMove 2 tech demo yet, watch it.
I think it's enough to be more than impressed. Seeing the MotionPlus in action like that sure fills our mind with high expectations for many games. So let's move to Iwata-san latest comment on MotionPlus.
"There will be games that will be enhanced by the Wii Motion Plus as well as games that can only be played with it. Users will need four if they have four controllers, but we're going to try to offer it for as little as possible. We haven't announced the price yet, but the cost of making the Wii Motion Plus is not that much, so I think we can make it very affordable."
Of course you capitalist terrorists were focusing on this:
"We haven't announced the price yet, but the cost of making the Wii Motion Plus is not that much, so I think we can make it very affordable."
While the holy words are those:
"There will be games that will be enhanced by the Wii Motion Plus as well as games that can only be played with it."
Ohohoho, what am I seeing there? Pretty much what Cpt. Obvious could have told me, there are many games being developed for MotionPlus at Nintendo. But I think it's a fact people need to consider a bit more. Nintendo development for it is going more than fine, they already know some of their games will feature optional MotionPlus support. They're far beyond early development. So I think it's safe to say Nintendo releases schedule up to, at least, late 2009 is pretty much established.
Which brings the actual topic, sorry to have wasted words: why the hell is that I only hear "OMG cant wait for zleda 1:1 swrodfighting!!1"?
Please consider these franchises:
Mario Party, Sports and Spin offs
Donkey Kong
New and 2nd/3rd Party IPs
Most of those games are already announced or bound to happen on Wii. And all of them can benefit from MotionPlus. Not just Zelda.
I mean, a Mario platformer with MotionPlus drives me a lot crazier than a new Zelda. And I don't even want to think about what will happen if Metroid makes a surprise new appearance in late Wii lifespan, so I didn't put in on the list. Even Mario Party would be finally refreshed with MotionPlus, something that didn't happen with just the Wiimote - the LiveMove 2 tech demo is proof enough. Pikmin is also a no brainer. What about StarFox? Does it really need anything more than IR? Not really, but if Nintendo decides to put tilt for epic moves like the infamous barrel roll, it can be refined with optional MotionPlus. As seen in the LiveMove 2 demo, 1:1 tracking can emulate tilts detection with much more accuracy. Also, what's funny is that people talk a lot about swordfighting in Zelda, but I've never seen a thread about what new items for Zelda Nintendo could create with MotionPlus.
I won't even get started with totally unannounced games, such as Paper Mario 3. Action command with MotionPlus? Count me in. Trauma Center? A new Viewtiful Joe? The list goes on, although so far we can only hope.
What's the point of it all? MotionPlus is a blessing and people aren't drooling enough. Of course, it would have been better if such technology was available from day one, but hey, it would also have been better if the first console ever released was the GameCube, with The Wind Waker, Resident Evil 4 and Metroid Prime as launch titles, right? The thing is, not only the next wave of Nintendo - not to mention third party - "core" games is finally shaping up, but it will be better, fresher, and crazier than we could ever have expected, because of this little thing:
Because, frankly, when I don't see people not even mentioning how the friggin new Mario is bound to support MotionPlus, I just get worried.
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