*Nintendo should stay in the handheld market cause they own it. On the console side they could make a killing going 3rd party
Ever since the n64 nintendo has struggled with hardware sales. Yes the Wii is the one exception but lets get real about the wii sales. A big portion of the wii sales were soccer moms, old people, and casual gamers who don't buy or play games on a usual basis. This is supported by the fact that very very very few games outside of the ones made by nintendo sold well.
The WiiU is struggling in sales and 3rd parties are dumping nintendo support like a bad habit. Factor that in that the hardware is vastly under powered to the competition and not much cheaper is a recepie for disaster.
Iwata in my opinion is also to blame for this company's downfall. He is not making the right decisions for Nintendo as the company to succeed.
Now imagine the possibilities. Nintendo going 3rd party and releasing a mario game on both the xbox and playstation. With the market of both consoels nintendo would make a killing in profit. I could easily see Mario selling 10million+ on each console and there is always the possibility of DLC like added levels and such.
Combine that with Nintendo's catalog of fantastic hits and putting them for purchase on both live and psn it just equals money.
Too much sense?
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