Updated fetures:
Picto Chat 2.0 (Chat)-
features: Wi Fi option, background music*, voice chat*
Description :
The local chat rooms: would be the same with the exception of being able to chose to go in wi fi at any point.
The Wi Fi chat rooms: Would start be either chosing to host a new room or join a current chat room or create a new one. If you want to join someones chat room your going to need their friend code and vice versa. You will be able to chat through the mic if you wish. You will be able to have your favorite songs play in the background if you are the host.
Ds Download Center 2.0
fetures: features Wi- Fi options.
Description like it was before only now you can dowload content from the internet.
New Features.
Ds Internet
fetures : Wi Fi
Description : The Ds browser only it will be standerd and installed in the system much like a psp.
DS Boombox
fetures : reads mp3 formated files through the GBA slot. Standerd MP3 player controles
Description: Allows your Ds to play music.
DS SD card reader
features : Saves game data and loads non game files.
description: resembles a gba game pack with a small sd slot on the side. Comes with sepretly
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