[QUOTE="revolutionman"] [QUOTE="SmashBrosLegend"]I've posted this before, but whatever. It needs to be said again.
People need to realize that just because the focus shifts to other games doesn't mean the long-beloved franchises are just going to disappear.
If you look at the facts, the Wii is actually putting out the "core" games faster than Gamecube or Nintendo 64. Within 2 years of release, we'll have these first-party franchises available on Wii:
The Legend of Zelda
Paper Mario
Animal Crossing (with online)
Pokemon (with online)
Super Smash Bros (with online)
Fire Emblem
Battalion Wars (with online)
Mario Party
Wario Ware
Donkey Kong (still no platformer)
Mario Kart (with online)
Mario Strikers (with online)
While not all of those games can be directly clas*ified as "hardcore", most of them can. It took Gamecube more than 5 years to get all of those games on the market. Add those titles to the new Nintendo IPs:
Project HAMMER (maybe?)
Endless Ocean (with online)
Franchise revival (Kid Icarus, PilotWings, Earthbound, Punchout, Ice Climber, Dr Mario ?)
And then look at the first party games that aren't announced, but will probably be coming:
Pikmin (just confirmed by Miyamoto)
Star Fox
Mario Golf
Mario Tennis
Mario Baseball
another Mario Party
another new Zelda
Wave Race
Custom Robo
Eternal Darkness (less likely)
Chibi Robo
Baten Kaitos
Wario platformer
Geist (maybe)
And then think about the Virtual Console, Wiiware, and all of the "hardcore" third-party games that are coming. And the Gamecube backwards coompatibility? Nintendo has its loyal fans covered. Just because WiiFit is coming doesn't mean that other games aren't.
Nintendo is trying to appeal to "everyone", which includes hardcore gamers. As long as there are hardcore gamers there will be hardcore games.fraz1776
Yeah but e3 is about showing new stuff to hype the gamers. So after all those upcoming games that are due to come this year, then what....Exactly we wait, but we wait to see what is next from the big N, other competitors have something to be cheering for next year.
you post some unannounced games, that doest make a difference, those are based on rumors and no confirmations. That's what e3 is about, announcing new games let that be new IPs or sequels or remakes.
now show me how many hardcore third party games were announced at e3. games that we havent heard before e3. Medal of honor, nitrobike....what else...
And i never said i had a problem with Wii Fit for me it is a great idea. But it was obviously aiming for the casual audience. Now what they decide to do with that in the future is up to them and other developers. imagine a game that uses the balance bar and the wii mote at the same time, Nintendo is sure aimind for everyone but the clearly forgot about the hardcore gamer AT E3 and focused way more on the the casual success of the wii and ds. That explain those youtube videos shown on the nintendo conference.
up until 2006 this was the case now e3 is only to get the shareholders and business partners exited with products that will make them money which is why they created e for all so gamers can get in there and check out all the new stuff
That doesnt change the fact that e3 is still important in some aspect to nintendo, It's a conference were they spent money unveiling and showing new stuff to the world. Even Satoru Iwata said that they wanted to show quality instead of quantity, thats why they showed wiifit and no new games cause the line-up is balanced for what's left of this year. but there is nothing bad about seeing new games
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