Nintendo is losing their kiddy image.
Nintendo has recently announced that The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess will be rated T for Teen on the official US Wii website for animated blood and fantasy violence. Its the first T rated Zelda game, and the first to have blood in it (not counting Ganondorf's blood at the end of OOT). The Metroid series seems to be targeted toward older gamers.
Red Steel is exclusive to Wii and looks like one really awesome game. And its for older gamers. Resident Evil 4 and many new resident evil games that came out are (or at least were) exclusive to the DS or Gamecube.
And now, even an AO rated game, Exciting Witch Trials, is coming out for DS and Wii in Japan.
Super Smash Bros. Brawl includes Snake from the M-rated Metal Gear games, from which rating Nintendo did not really want to include characters from. It also includes details that Nintendo didn't wish to release beforehand *coughzerosuitsamuscough*
And on top of that, here's a list of more maturer games coming out on nintendo systems:
Call of Duty 3, Metal Slug Anthology, Twilight Princess, Witch Trials, Metroid Prime 3, Godfather,  Killing Day,
Madden NFL, Need For Speed, Smash Bros., the new Resident Evil games, Prince of Persia Wii, Prince of Persia: Rival Swords, Fire Emblem games, Sadness, Medal of Honor: Airborne, Time Crisis, Battallion Wars, Disaster: Day of Crisis, No More Heroes, Â many more...
Most "kiddy'' games like Happy Feet and Billy & Mandy are not even made by Nintendo or are on different consoles too.
UPDATE: Rockstar today has confirmed MANHUNT II for the Wii. Wow.
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