One franchise would not damage Ninty's reputation, but just making games for everyone also means you have to lure the Halo fans and the GTA fans as well. I would admit there are risks involved, but it's not rated M for violence. It's rated M the same reason why Judd Apatow films are rated R. It's so mature that little kids wouldn't get the sense of humour. And the concept isn't in terms of violence, but in the plot. The same reason why a game such as Half Life 2 racked in awards like mad, is the fact that the plot advances the game.
I'm looking for a new franchise that shows progression, and it can show that Nintendo is capable of making games that aim towards an older audience. Sure, Wii Sports and Wii Fit are great, but the main concern that I have is that Ninty could overplay the casual market. BTW, is Samus turning into a sex symbol or something?
To put your saying in American Football analogy, wouldn't that make Nintendo predictable? The element of surprise is the best weapon anyone can use, and is too valuable to ignore.
Oh, and did that same strategy succeed on the Gamecube?
Yes it would damage them if it was just one title. You do one thing "wrong" in this world and you're done. There's too much competition to allow second and third mistakes.
A level of quality is not being predictable.
As for the Gamecube the main reason that failed is that it didn't come with a DVD player. In the Asian market a DVD player was more then a console so they went with that "other" console since it did both. If the Gamecube had one it's install base would be 2 or three times what the final tally was.
It's not like there's not other devs out there who can take the chance with these titles.
Stop taking what isn't broken and trying to fix it.
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