I am going to type up a long rant so as my friend Ike would say, "Prepare yourself!"
2008 was not a good year for the hardcore Nintendo fans. Luckily Super Smash Bros. Brawl and with some help from Mario Kart Wii gave us hardcore gamers somewhat satisfaction. However the rest of 2008 after Brawl went downward.
At E3 I was expecting Nintendo to host a pretty good conference like the year before. Unfortunately I was severely disappointed, mostly because there were no games that appealed to the hardcore audience.
I feel as if the Wii can be something a lot better then what it is at the moment. It's often overlooked by people as a "Childish" system. However that is not the case, it appeals to all audiences. One thing about the gaming industry is that it's being fueled mostly by the shooting genre. The Wii just doesn't have the shooting games like the other two consoles have. The Wii can have great shooting games, Call of Duty 5 and Resident Evil 4 prove that the Wii is capable of doing so.
Now about the absence of the good third party games. Third party companies don't like making games for the Wii because a few weeks after the release they usually end up in the bargain bin. In my opinion I don't think that they want to try and make good third party games for the Wii, but that's just me.
Now in 2009 I hope Nintendo will release a Triple A title or even more! I haven't heard of any first party titles coming out in '09 that are hyped, but Nintendo could take advantage of a gaming drought. RELEASE popular c|assics for the Virtual Console. Or better yet finally releasing Earthbound showing that there is a huge amount of people that love to play the game and want to. Maybe then that will show them to release an Earthbound compilation on the DS with EB0, EB, and EB2. Now I'm dreaming...
Anyways the point is Nintendo needs to make 2009 the year of the hardcore audience. If 2009 isn't a good year for the Wii (I'm asking for 1 triple A title) I'm trading mine in and never looking back. We deserve it after being given hardly any hardcore titles to enjoy. Also Animal Crossing could be so much more but it's not much of an improvement to its predecessor.
I had to clear my mind of this, please post what you think as well.
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