Nintendo pinned in the corner for next gen console???

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#1 kos1085
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I have a few questions I would like for everyone to consider and please no replys saying nintendo sucks. Lets keep this dicussion intelligent and thoughful.

With the new innovation technology of the wii, Do you think that nintendo has pinned itself in the corner for the next gen console since the next console would also have to incorporate the technology of the wii for backward compatibility??? This goes for the DS too since for backwards compatibility the new DS must incorporate the touch sceen technology. Or do you think nintendo should just drop backwards compatibility all together for the next console???

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#2 RealKilla_789
Member since 2007 • 3669 Posts
personally i think that nintendo should not go with the whole wii remote thing. they should go back to the good ol 10-12 button with 2 joysticks controller. The wii controls have lost their novelty. they're cool for about a month and now it feels annoying for some games. I think if they go back to the regular-type conosle and add more technology to compare to Microsoft's and Sony's next consoles, they will get 3rd party support. And personally the only reason I would want backwards compatability is for SSBB. fanboys please dont bash me for what im saying. Im a Nintendo fan and I own a Wii
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#3 johnnyv2003
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hmm, that's an interesting point...I think that Nintendo isn't necessarily "pinned down"...just look at how the Wii was able to incorporate its' backwards compatibility. You can use the gamecube controller for not only gamecube titles, but Wii titles as well. I mean all you really need for the next system is to have a sensor bar, and voila, you have Wii backwards compatibility.
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#4 com2006
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The wii controller is a step forward and i'm certain nintendo will be looking to expand on the idea even farther, backwards compatibility shouldn't be an issue with a console as they can just have the system also recognise the old wiimote if the new version is that much different.
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#5 abephroman
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Yeah I'm sure they will plan around that. It will be cool.
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#6 GabuEx
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personally i think that nintendo should not go with the whole wii remote thing. they should go back to the good ol 10-12 button with 2 joysticks controller. The wii controls have lost their novelty. they're cool for about a month and now it feels annoying for some games. I think if they go back to the regular-type conosle and add more technology to compare to Microsoft's and Sony's next consoles, they will get 3rd party support. And personally the only reason I would want backwards compatability is for SSBB. fanboys please dont bash me for what im saying. Im a Nintendo fan and I own a WiiRealKilla_789

Why would they just copy the other consoles? The entire reason why they've absolutely dominated this generation is because they did their own thing and made a go of it. I could see going down that route if the alternative wasn't working, but look at their history. The Nintendo 64: controller like the others (in terms of button availability, at least), competitive in graphics, lost the generation. The GameCube: controller like the others, competitive in graphics, lost the generation. Now there's the Wii: vastly different controller, not attempting to compete in graphics, winning this generation by a mile. Nintendo would have to be idiots not to realize that they're going in the right direction.

As far as backwards compatibility goes, johnnyv2003 pretty much summed it up. The Wii is backwards compatible with the GameCube despite not having a similar controller; they can do the same for Wii games in their next console.

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#7 Dark_Link142
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personally i think that nintendo should not go with the whole wii remote thing. they should go back to the good ol 10-12 button with 2 joysticks controller. The wii controls have lost their novelty. they're cool for about a month and now it feels annoying for some games. I think if they go back to the regular-type conosle and add more technology to compare to Microsoft's and Sony's next consoles, they will get 3rd party support. And personally the only reason I would want backwards compatability is for SSBB. fanboys please dont bash me for what im saying. Im a Nintendo fan and I own a WiiRealKilla_789

Going backwards? Doesn't sound like a great strategy. Nintendo went and ignored what the other companies were doing and they came up with some daring moves that really payed off. Why would they go backwards and do the same thing that's been done for over two decades?

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#8 kos1085
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I agree they probably could just add a sensor bar capalibility to the next console to solve the problem along with slots for the gamecube controller. But the DS on the other hand might have to either advance the touch screen idea or drop it all together for the next handheld.
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#9 Articuno76
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erm...yeah. I think Nintendo was sort of banking on continuing with the wiimore or improvement thereof. Why would they not if the Wii was a success?

personally i think that nintendo should not go with the whole wii remote thing. they should go back to the good ol 10-12 button with 2 joysticks controller. The wii controls have lost their novelty. they're cool for about a month and now it feels annoying for some games. I think if they go back to the regular-type conosle and add more technology to compare to Microsoft's and Sony's next consoles, they will get 3rd party support.iRealKilla_789

In other words, return to everything that didn't work last time and really isn't working for MS despite throwing money around like it's worthless (market saturation and snail pace hardware movement; Nintendo doesn't have the software attach ratio of 3rd party games to match MS either).

TBH there's no reason that would fact the only reason Nintendo is on the up instead of already been ousted has primarily been down to it being different.

Maybe next-gen what you say could work, but it would only work because of the popularity Nintendo has built up because of the fanbase of the wiimote and if you take that away then much of that fanbase may well simply vanish.

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#10 GamerBoy53
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I agree that they are kind of pinned down which is why I think the Wii might have a longer lifespan then their other systems to give them more time to think of an idea. Im not completely going with this idea but just realizing it could happen.

And I wonder what the system would be called... Maybe they'll go with Revolution this time. Who knows...

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#11 awssk8er716
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Thats kind of true. They kind of did screw them selves over backwards compatability wise.

For the Wii - they could make the WiiMote Sync-able to the system. I dont know how the sensor bar would work. I guess they could make a sensor bar for the new console to play Wii Games.

For the DS - If the next handheld doesnt have a touch screen, I guess there is no backwards compatability. So Keep your DS!

Theres definately other ways, but all I got.

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#12 osan0  Online
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personally i think that nintendo should not go with the whole wii remote thing. they should go back to the good ol 10-12 button with 2 joysticks controller. The wii controls have lost their novelty. they're cool for about a month and now it feels annoying for some games. I think if they go back to the regular-type conosle and add more technology to compare to Microsoft's and Sony's next consoles, they will get 3rd party support. And personally the only reason I would want backwards compatability is for SSBB. fanboys please dont bash me for what im saying. Im a Nintendo fan and I own a WiiRealKilla_789

they tired that...twice. and twice they got a thourough beating for their troubles. the GC was everything a console should be and it still got a royal pasting. i think the market has sent a very clear message to ninty. dont do it again.

TC, i dont see exactly how ninty are pinning themselves in. its not like there going to just jump ship and abandon all the stuff they have done with the WII and DS. there going to improve and build on it. like it or not, touch screens, microphones, motion sensors and IR cameras (plus whatever other crazy stuff they want to put in next gen) are going to be playing a role in nintys future for a long time to come.

besides, they could make the wii 2 and their future consoles compatible with the wiimote. because it has no wires, the console doesent need to have sockets for it. just plonk in bluetooth and the necessary software fot he controller and ure set.

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#13 CoralMark
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I HATE the older style controllers, and know I am not alone in this.

I grew up playing games before they took off ... and PC gaming seemed as user-unfriendly as the button-mash controllers - so I went with that. [plus outperforms most consoles]

IMO, the Wiimote could be used better, but unless they want to toss out newer console gamers [and the next generation, who probably think like I do about the older controllers] ... they'll move forward, not backward.

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#14 arthas242000
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Nintendo is about one thing; creativity. With the success of the Wii this will allow Nintendo to create more innovative consoles. They know now that creating new and different products can sell extremely well. There is no reason for Nintendo to copy Microsoft or Sony since in previous generations when they tried competing in that realm they got destroyed!! I mean did we all forget what place the gamecube and N64 came in during their respected console wars; neither system sold tremendously well. The cube fell to third place and the N64 was only in second place because the Saturn was dead before anyone noticed. Why because they were trying to compete in a field they don't have the financial resourses for. Nintendo is a Video game company thats it. They don't sell television or operating systems or create movies they make games and consoles thats it. Microsoft didn't have a positive fiscal year when it came to their game division; yet they still went ahead and made another system no sweat off Bill's back. Besides, Nintendo has always been about creativity not how many polygons or pixal shaders their consoles can muscle out. There success comes from reliable third part games and first party games that live on both as a nostalgic sense and the fact that most of their first party games are so perfectly based for all types of gamers. I think Nintendo has no place to go but up in the coming years; if they continue to focus on gameplay and innovation and get away from this idea that more is better, I see them going back to their glory days!!
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#15 Arkthemaniac
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I think they'll stick with the Wiimote design for a while. The responsiveness of the motion can only get better until the point of 1:1 swordfighting. Just think of it. It's definitely possible.
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#16 X-Remnant
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It's nintendo guys. They've said themselves that they need to plan a generation in advance. I'm confident that nintendo can find a solution. As far as the DS is concerned, I don't think it would be that bad just holding on to one.
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#17 WylFret
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I can't imagine that whatever system they come up with next would not have motion controls. They've established that, and consoles are only going to continue moving in that "virtual reality" direction. The nextgen controls may or may not look anything like the current Wiimote/nunchuk combo, but motion control will almost assuredly be there. I look for Nintendo to tighten up the precision of the motion controls and to take them beyond what they're capable of today.
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#18 flydw
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You know I think Nintendo successfully acheived what they set out to do when delivering the Nintendo Wii. They reached out to people on all gaming levels/experiences and got them to pick up a controller and play. They also brought a new technology and style to the way of playing computer games.

I think the next gen console they bring out should be a complete standalone. They should forget about backward compatibility and kind of treat the Nintendo Wii as a Nintendo games server or library where people can store all the classics. The next gen console should concentrate on some nice hardware to beef up those visuals and so that we can get some quality games.

I am not saying that there are not any quality games out for the Wii (Far from it), however I want to see more innovation and attention to details in the games themselves now (improving the physics engine etc), rather than the hardware interaction. They have given us a great console which was cool and stylish. But now I would like them to get to the nitty gritty and get the specification and core hardware features in place to produce the next gen feel in games that everybody is waiting for. Just for examples sake lets get Hyrule from Zelda looking like (Or even better) than Oblivion on a current top end PC, so that we can explore lavish scenery and interact with intelligent NPCs. I use this example to illustrate the depth I would like to see brought to a classic title like Zelda which already has so much character and could be breath taking with this type of attention.

I really enjoyed the Wii and ooze respect for Nintendo. However way they play it, i'm sure it will be great! Also can't wait to see what kind of console Microsoft and Sony will bring out as well. It is going to be awesome, I will have to get all 3 again.

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#19 ThePlothole
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I would be totally pissed if they took the pointer out of the next system. Motion controls may not always be well exploited, but the pointer genuinely adds a degree of control to games that is simply impossible with an analog stick.
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#20 chris3116
Member since 2003 • 12174 Posts

personally i think that nintendo should not go with the whole wii remote thing. they should go back to the good ol 10-12 button with 2 joysticks controller. The wii controls have lost their novelty. they're cool for about a month and now it feels annoying for some games. I think if they go back to the regular-type conosle and add more technology to compare to Microsoft's and Sony's next consoles, they will get 3rd party support. And personally the only reason I would want backwards compatability is for SSBB. fanboys please dont bash me for what im saying. Im a Nintendo fan and I own a WiiRealKilla_789

Not even close. I think Microsoft and Sony will go forward and will adopt the motion controller next gen. It's too late for Nintendo to go back. All you want is another GameCube. GameCube and even the N64 failed for Nintendo.

It will be the 3rd party to evolve for that.

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#21 deactivated-5c35826ea3913
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I don't know if they'll continue the control scheme with the wiimote per se but I think that they'll continue the idea of motion and immserion. People have sent Nintendo a message that this was a good idea. They'll probably expand on the concepts in the next generation while keeping the VC alive as well.
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#22 mariokart64fan
Member since 2003 • 20828 Posts

they do both lol ,, ever heard of classic controller and no wii mote is not a novelty,

where do you get off with that line ,,

with games like red steel

house of the dead 2 and 3 driver paralel lines, smack down vs raw series

wii play wii sports , mariokart if you choose , ssbb if you choose re4 if you want , etc all use the wii mote in good ways,

you want to go back to old school controller get a 360 and or ps3 ,

wii is here to stay as is the controls set fourth,

its nintendos and 3rd parties choice to use classic /gc controller options,

not yours

and no wii isnt pinned down ,,, 360 and ps3 are,

they choose high definition which is very expensive for many owners ,

and now they pay with having a 10 yr life cycle do you think microsft is able to do 10 yrs on that faulty 360 ,, im not sure my self , ps3 is some what questionable,ps1 and ps 2 did this but look at how good they were in sales, ps3 is no where as good,

but nintedo choose to back down on graphics a bit ,and make room for innovative new ways to play and or to do vario usother things , -read news etc ,

so now they have a good chance at a big head start in the next race, as they have yet to say they will indeed do 10 yrs, even if so theyll probably keep the controller scheme by then 3rd party should know howto utilise them but also get back on the defense with graphics and other things there after,

so ya to sum it up i my self believe nintendos got th e adva ntage it needed , if they are willing to take it,

even if not they still do have it for the next time which according to sony and ms 10yrs from start of 360/ps3/wii,

and right now its getting better for nintendo as they just posted 7 to 1 sales for the month of a pril

that 7 to 1 is across psp ps2 ps3 and 360 ,ds sold 400+k

so ya,

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#23 Nomad0404
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Change the Wii not the control method!

What you do in a couple of years time is release a unpgraded Wii with more horses, memory and better graphics. Don't change anything else so it'll still play current Wii and GC games.

They could do things a bit better but I think as time goes on we will definitely need better storage so that we can have lots more channels.

There is a valid point to be made that some games will play far better with something like the MS controller thant the Wii mote+Nunchuk.

Another interesting option would be a new version of the nunchuk that is more capable.


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#24 king-kill33
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after the wii, i dont see any reason for nintendo to go back to wired controllers that arnt motion sensitive, next gen will all be doing it
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#25 Mike1978Smith
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Well, the Wii is the first home console (not counting handhelds right now) that offers backwards compatability. The NES, SNES, N64, and GC were all completely seperate technologies. With each console came a new controller.

With the Wii, they gave us backwards compatibility with GC games, as well as all their other systems via the VC. Notice how they had to add functionality for all previous console control schemes as well.

With the next system, I wouldn't be surprised if they introduced a new control scheme again, although I think it will pretty much jsut be additions to the Wiimote/nunchuk setup (more ergonomic button layout, perhaps even more buttons, etc), but the motion sensing and IR pointing will probably be there. I think Nintendo realized that backwards compatibility is good and they've done everything they could to provide that with the Wii, so I bet the next system will be fully backwards compatible as well.

Does it pin Nintendo's next system into anything? Nah, I don't think so. I mean, yeah it will have the functions of the Wii, but that doesn't mean they can't expand on those controls. Heck, maybe next time around the nunchuk will just be another wiimote, offering us double pointing. Think about a 1st person sword and shield game where we can control both items independantly of each other (with the proper restrictions like not being able to swing the sword through the shield, of course). Could be fun. Or how about daul wielding pistols in a westarn shoot out game? oh yeah.... :D

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#26 nnfnnfnfnnfnnf
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I actually see it as Microsoft and Sony being pinned in a corner. At a certain point improving graphics and power isn't gonna cut it. I mean with each generation the graphics are improving less and less because they're getting closer to that assymptote of almost completely realistic. I'm not saying that they are there yet but look at what's happened so far. The GC, Xbox, PS2 generation was a big jump up from the PS and 64. But PS3, 360, Wii made less of a graphics jump. So essentially everyone has to have motion controls in order to warrant a significant improvement.

I think that Nintendo probably will try something different than the wiimote next gen but they can make it backwards compatible without too much hassle. As to what Ninty will try, I don't know but I would be really surprised if it was just an upgrade in power. Just my 2 cents.

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#27 zstick7
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IMO Nintendo is great, BUT what they can do (which has already been mentioned) is refine the controls, up the horsepower, and make the online more integrative and user-friendly. Enough with the iron-fisted lockdown on online interactivity. I love Brawl and its online, but it could be so much more! I think that's the one lesson Ninty could learn from the other consoles is a more immersive and comprehensive online community. Other than that, I see no problem with sticking to their current strategy and giving the proverbial finger to the whole graphics race!

Heh heh.

EDIT: BTW, nnfnnfnfnnfnnf, EXCELLENT use of the word "asymptote." Real vocabulary FTW!

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#28 GhostOfKosh1
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In other words, return to everything that didn't work last time and really isn't working for MS despite throwing money around like it's worthless...RealKilla_789

Agreed, but just like in politics enough money can buy you pretty much anything just as long as you don't say or do anything too stupid.

[QUOTE="RealKilla_789"]personally i think that nintendo should not go with the whole wii remote thing. they should go back to the good ol 10-12 button with 2 joysticks controller. The wii controls have lost their novelty. they're cool for about a month and now it feels annoying for some games. I think if they go back to the regular-type conosle and add more technology to compare to Microsoft's and Sony's next consoles, they will get 3rd party support. And personally the only reason I would want backwards compatability is for SSBB. fanboys please dont bash me for what im saying. Im a Nintendo fan and I own a WiiGabuEx

Why would they just copy the other consoles? The entire reason why they've absolutely dominated this generation is because they did their own thing and made a go of it. I could see going down that route if the alternative wasn't working, but look at their history. The Nintendo 64: controller like the others (in terms of button availability, at least), competitive in graphics, lost the generation. The GameCube: controller like the others, competitive in graphics, lost the generation. Now there's the Wii: vastly different controller, not attempting to compete in graphics, winning this generation by a mile. Nintendo would have to be idiots not to realize that they're going in the right direction.

As far as backwards compatibility goes, johnnyv2003 pretty much summed it up. The Wii is backwards compatible with the GameCube despite not having a similar controller; they can do the same for Wii games in their next console.

Good post. Nintendo does know a lot more about game making and the right direction to take than any of the other console companies. And why shouldn't they? They've been doing this for a long time. Whats nice is how Nintendo's organization actually changes to keep producing innovative and top quality games. Nintendo knows it can keep low operating costs and still beat out the other two companies.

My biggest comment to Nintendo for improvement (as an outsider) would be that they've actually skimped too much on their low cost marketing of their games. Specifically I would recommend they build a section (accessed both online and on the console) geared towards providing information about games for sale. This feature is ESPECIALLY important for Nintendo. This is because of who Nintendo's customers are. Keep in mind most of their customers are casual or general gamers in nature. If you don't explain to these customers what games are available then they will never take the time to know. You can provide this information to them at low cost and this type of marketing is right up Nintendo's alley.

As much as I want to agree with Nintendo that 3rd parties are "being" a problem, I must also agree that there are some things Nintendo themselves can do to help the situation and try to make these problems fall in line.

(ps: I know Nintendo doesn't have this feature online and if they do actually have it on their console then ignore this)

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#29 Fishn4Zora
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I think whatever Nintendo does next-gen it'll include some sort of new and improved wii remote.
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#30 ZumaJones07
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They definitely cannot go back to the old school way of play... it would be kind of sad if they did. What they will do next is honestly anyone's guess, but it could be tricky getting both the DS and Wii games playable on the next system in line - especially the DS. I'm also thinking it's going to be a REAL bummer when the next console comes out... why? Because I - probably many of you all - have spent tons of money on the Wii: peripherals, plastic, Wiimotes, Nunchucks, batteries, virtual console, Wii Ware, games, and countless other things. It's not like the previous systems where we only had controllers, games, and the actual system, it's a lot more.
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#31 bobbetybob
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It's not pinned down, it'll just be the same as the GC is with Wii, if you want to play GC games you need a GC controller. With the next console, if you want to play Wii games, get a Wii controller. Also I can see it using the Wii control method which I'm happy with, if anything it gives Nintendo an advantage, if Sony and Microsoft choose to go the motion route, they not only have to make a controller which works as well as the Wii remote, but also market it better than Wii is, Wii 2 or whatever will just improve the graphics, add some new features and BAM insta-hit.
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#32 -Despacio-
Member since 2002 • 1881 Posts

personally i think that nintendo should not go with the whole wii remote thing. they should go back to the good ol 10-12 button with 2 joysticks controller. The wii controls have lost their novelty. they're cool for about a month and now it feels annoying for some games. I think if they go back to the regular-type conosle and add more technology to compare to Microsoft's and Sony's next consoles, they will get 3rd party support. And personally the only reason I would want backwards compatability is for SSBB. fanboys please dont bash me for what im saying. Im a Nintendo fan and I own a WiiRealKilla_789

I wont bash you, but what you are asking is for Nintendo to completely regress on pushing forward the video game medium. Personally, i couldn't think of anything more boring than going back to traditional controller and console ala PS3/360 and trying to grab the big AAA franchises like GTA IV, etc.

On top of that, doing such a thing will completely kill the audience that is making the Wii such a success right now. There is just no way Nintendo's next cosole returns to the same ol same ol tricks.

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#33 -Despacio-
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Here are the things I expect at minimum of the next Wii:

- Better and more sensitive motion detecting tech in the Wiimote and more importantly the nunchauk.

- A much better speaker on the Wiimote

- Wireless Wiimote and nunchauk (no wire connecting them)

- A standard bluetooth headset for voice chat

- More options for Mii creation

- A hard drive, for gods sake, a hard drive

- HD support

- Some type of community channel where adding family and friends is not a hassle (NO MORE FRIEND CODES)

I really don't know where Nintendo is going to go in terms of horepower. I really doubt that they put in high end, top notch hardware to compete with the next 360 and PS3 considering their success now with last-gen visuals. I do know that with games like Star Wars Force Unleashed, the lack of horsepower is limiting not just visuals but things like physics, etc. So I really hope Nintendo considers how much they will be limiting video game artists.

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#34 Thiago26792
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I think Nintendo will go the next gen in the same way as they did with the Wii. But I think they have to concentrate this time more in the hardcore players. But they are still doing great this way.