It's been stated that Capcom wants to give us DLC but it's up to Nintendo to allow it. Capcom stated that it is technically possible to do but it all lies in the hands of Nintendo. With that said, I think we TvC fans need toshow our support and let Nintendo know that We want DLC at least for TvC if nothing else.
For one, I'd love DLC because the matchups/teamups could be even greater. I mean think about it:
Dante vs Karas/Dante & Karas team
M. Bison vs The Blaiking Boss/M. Bison & Blaiking Boss team
Cammy vs Yatterman-2/Cammy & Yatterman-2 team
Speed Racer vs Polimar/Speed Racer & Polimar Team (Both would run you over with their vehicles in opposite directions - Speeds supers could've easily been different buttons on the Mach 5 Steering wheel, I mean the thing has a fold out Buzzsaw that cuts down trees at 120MPH for crying out loud)
Speedy Cerviche vs Zero/Speedy & Zero team (Special team attack could be Zero doing his level 3 HDM followed by Speedy's LegendaryGinzu Sword Cut - Too bad Disney now owns the rights to the Pizza Cats so we have an incredibly small chance of seeing Speedy)
Megaman X vs Megaman Zero/Megaman X &Megaman Zeroteam (X could do his Secret Move X Burst "Or whatever it was called - Haven't played Megaman X in a While" and Megaman Zero could drop a brutal combo with the Saber, Nightsticks & Grappling hook)
And Just add Hinata and Lilith.
Anyway enough ranting, We want to see DLC for TvC at least Nintendo.
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