They gave the game an 8.0 (which is a very good score, before you start complaining. Nintendo Power aren't the chumps they used to be. Heck, that's that same score they gave the new Punch-Out)
Anyway, they had a lot of very nice things to say about it. They said it has amazing, "system defining" online, said it was one of the most visually impressive Wii games to date, and praised the controls and customization options.
Now for the bad. They said the story was somewhat unimpressive, and that the AI wasn't as good as HV made it out to be.
Overall they described it as "the best shooter on the system", but admitted that it wasn't as impressive as all the Halos and Half Life's out there.
I'm not sure how I'm supposed to feel about that last part because, quite frankly, I'm not a big Halo fan to begin with.
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