I was hoping A Link Between Worlds meant that they were finally starting to tone it down (what with the lack of a helper character and pretty much no tutorials), but after starting Dream Team I think it's really too early to say. Playing this game actually makes me mad. No one in that game fucking shuts up ever. It refuses to allow you to play uninterrupted for any length of time without some fucking character popping up to re-iterate plot points, where to go, how to solve a puzzle, how to navigate a menu, how to do a move when the button prompts are all displayed on screen, all in agonizing detail over and over and over and over again.
The game constantly asks if you want a tutorial for literally everything, and even if you turn it down it'll ask you again, practically begging you to let it give a tutorial. Then if you still say no it will start giving the tutorial anyway. It's fucking ridiculous.
I didn't think it was possible but Nintendo has actually made a game more agonizingly hand-holdy and repetitive than Skyward Sword. The only difference is that instead of one helper character that never shuts up and basically has no personality, you now have two. One of which never shuts up and has no personality, and another who never shuts up and is kind of a bitch.
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