"The casual market clearly. Did you really just ask that question? How myopic of you, eh?"
Yea, I guess it would be......if I insisted on living in 2006, a period of time Nintendo apologists can't seem to free themselves of and are often left nothing but to resort to in aid of their argument. Thanks for demonstrating as much; it's funny how every time you open your mouth you only go to prove how myopic you truly are. Aside, I was under the mistaken impression that the mobile sector held a monopoly on the casual market currently. How silly of me.
Nintendo doesn't monopolize jack shit these days with the exception of the dedicated handheld market.
"Nintendo has targeted a niche market since the post-SNES era. This has not changed. Their entire development outlay, whether that be software or hardware, is based on this model."
Right, as the immense casual market you just claimed they monopolize is very niche, right? So which is it? Only more recently have they become niche. I have a feeling you would not claim the Wii to be based on this model, though now apparently since it fits Nintendo's current predicament it fits your argument and attempt at revisionist history. How convenient, eh?
"Says you. Reasoning? Proof? Cake? All of the above? Okay, maybe not cake."
I'll take chocolate, please. Easy, see?
"Amazing as it might sound to you people aren't perfect and they sometimes make bad judgement calls for whatever reason. Nintendo are historically stubborn so who knows what the ins and outs of their meetings are. You certainly don't and your guesses have been wide off the mark so far due to a lack of scope."
And you've not provided yours at all, so I'm not even going to bother when you don't extend the courtesy.
"I don't understand your obsession with the Virtual Console, but it's pretty obvious that you're quite particular. They'll release a lot more games nearer to the end of the system's life cycle so you can sing their praises then. They drip feed games to maximise sales."
What a brilliant strategy, it IS most wise to simply leave money on the table from a catalog of games reaching back 30 years which only goes to increase customer frustration which causes them to take their money elsewhere in the meantime. If they were to release 5 games a week, they'd still not be able to use all in their arsenal by the end of the U's lifespan. It's gonna be one hell of a ride near the end, boy. Who needs business school, I can just watch Nintendo, or better yet, just listen to your wisdom.
"The lack of cross-buy and a universal account system - another naïve complaint. I don't know if you've realised, but Nintendo isn't Santa Claus. Their motivation is to make money. Why in Lo or Hyrule would they add those features when they can make more money dismissing them and forcing people to buy games multiple times? I think it's time to leave Koholint Island. Either that or learn some basic business strategies. They don't care about your grievances unless you hit them where it hurts, their finances. Unfortunately for you, you hold minority views."
Well whaddaya know, something we can finally agree upon. Screwing the customer over is good for business. Not entirely untrue I'll grant, but not in this case. Looks like my "minority view" along with others is having no impact on Nintendo raking in the money. Oh, wait....
"Actually you criticised their business model comprehensively. You literally praised them on zilch. Selective memory must be an upper echelon skill that my mere myopic mind can't handle :)"
Apparently not.
"No, as a consumer you see what you want to see because you're clearly uniformed. You haven't displayed any understanding of what it takes to maintain and grow a business that operates very differently to that of the competition. You've just demanded things. Your views are meaningless."
As are yours, because you've not the guts to actually come out and assert anything, what you deem to be courageous and meaningful is to come out and simply attack my position with condescension and mockery in the attempt to dismiss them and make yourself look smart and in the know without actually putting any effort in. No wonder you agree with Nintendo's principle of Kano Jigoro. It suits you well, unfortunately it's paying off for you just as well as it is for Nintendo.
"Your grievances are either "niche" or at odds with what Nintendo represent. This 'ideal' system you're looking for that has all your requirements covered will never exist. It's a simple idea. Leave enough in to grab the consumer, leave enough out so they'll buy the successor. People can decide on their own whether or not they want a Wii U. They don't need you give orders out in a patronising fashion or coerce them into anything. Act on your own accord and stop being so sanctimonious. You don't speak for the internet."
Sanctimonious? That's a riot coming from you. I'm not the one speaking down to people. You are. Get off your horse.
"Does that entail a 'non-myopic' price you'd pay for all those services? What financial model can you present for all those added value features? Oh that's right, you don't have one. You're just a layman like the rest of us."
Well that's a relief. I was afraid for a moment I actually was speaking to someone who knew what he was talking about and being set straight by the enlightened.
"You say you're not an investor yet you'd come onto a forum and bad mouth an established company like Nintendo. You have no foot to stand on, simple as that. You care for Nintendo's offerings? What ties do you have to them? Emotional ones? Are you trying to be funny? I'm honestly not sure at this point. All I'm hearing is criticism, some valid, most throwaway."
I'm honored and privileged to have someone so in the know tell me some of my criticisms are valid. It would be nice to know what you find valid and throwaway so I may elaborate, but I suspect that it would be a wasted effort.
"I might gain some semblance of respect for your views if you offered some solutions."
And I would yours, if you'd at the very least take a position instead of simply opposing mine for nothing more than what seems to be opposition's sake. Grow some fucking balls, take a goddamn position, and let's have a discussion.
"You've already bought your Wii U! It's a straight-forward transaction - you hand over money and you receive a brand spanking new system. You have no power anymore so I don't have any idea what point you're trying to prove. Have a nice day. Nintendo isn't the angelic being you remember as a kid [or maybe that was just me? o_O], Nintendo is a ruthless money-making machine."
Assumptions make an ass out of you and......well, just you. I haven't sent a single cent Nintendo's way since the U's release. Ever heard of buying used?
"Take heed? You have absolutely no clue how Nintendo operate and the reasons for the latter yet you're presenting an argument which lambasts their modus operandi. That's called misrepresentation. That helps no one. Spend some time and start an unbiased blog or something if you really want to do something constructive. If you decide against buying a Nintendo system next gen, well surprise, Nintendo target consumers when they're young so they've always got a steady install base waiting in the wings.
Good luck whatever you do."
Tell me something: what makes you think you stand in any position to talk to me in such a manner? What makes you think you have the authority to talk down to me as a misinformed "outsider" when you do nothing to prove you are anything but, but instead resort to one-line, drive by Youtube sarcastic-laden, useless replies that do nothing to address my points or try to edify this lowly plebe of his ignorance? Are you an insider? Do you have a degree in business? Do you run a business? Do you work for Nintendo? Are you an analyst? I'm quite curious as to where this attitude arises from. Obviously you must have quite a foundation to speak to me in such a way, so let's hear it. What gives your position anymore credence than mine?
None? Than you can shut your mouth or at the very least attempt civility with it open, for you hold no more qualification to speak upon matters you know nothing of more than I do. And if you do, then you should know I am not closed minded and am open to hearing valid reasoning, if you'd actually take one instead of sitting believing you have the right to attack my position with nary an effort put in on your part. But you have to try, because you are doing nothing worthy to convince.
So what evidence/expertise do you hold? I can tell you what's on my side that runs contrary to your proclamations that I essentially have no clue as to what I'm talking about: my criticisms, flawed they may be, align with Nintendo's abysmal performance, your assertions that they are doing things right, do not. They are obviously not doing some (or many) things right, which you casually ascribe and dismiss as "a little bad judgement" which, in fact, amounts to nearly a billion lost in three years, and any other defense of yours predictably cites performance from the distant past to support the present. You throw out replies that I have no doubt help reinforce your little world of self-deluded intellectual superiority, laughably through a means that does not even warrant acknowledgement past the point of what could be seen daily on the worst /b has to offer.
Try harder, because I'm sick and fed up with your bullshit. I'm not expecting much.
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