Heh, I KNEW I should have made a thread about this Nintendo/Team Ninja collab yesterday, but I was being lazy. I'm not mad at you, though; in fact, I think it's awesome to see another member with the same viewpoint right now. Honestly, I didn't think the Wii had a shot of ever getting Team Ninja onboard, but I suppose circumstances regarding the industry and/or perhaps the direction the team is heading with Itagaki gone are the reasons for this. In any case, they're developing a Wii game now, and I haven't been more excited about a third-party developer coming to the system. It might be a few years late, but I think this was the kind of thing the Wii developing community needed to see in order for the system to be taken seriously enough.
Anyway, I can't agree enough with your point that I hope Metroid is just the beginning of the partnership between Nintendo and Team Ninja. Perhaps not so much with Kid Icarus, although that is an interesting point and something I wouldn't mind seeing; I just think Team Ninja's approach compliments Nintendo's quite well. I think this E3 was a nice example of showing that Nintendo can still create the userbase increasing products that it has focused a lot of time on this gen, but still have something in its back pocket to silence all of the naysayers out there that has complained about Nintendo not being 'core' enough. Who knows? Maybe KI will be a game that the Nintendo and Team Ninja looks into one day, and I think that one could take a few cues from the Ninja Gaiden series and become quite the revival. Perhaps even better, maybe this will spark a few ideas that many people wouldn't have seen, but still manages to blow them away. It never hurts to think about the possibilities!
But yeah... this is very much like a dream coming true. Team Ninja was a big reason why I decided to bother with the Xbox brand of gaming, and I'm as delighted to see them working on a Nintendo console as much as I am about the game they're working on at the moment, which looks great so far. Here's hoping that we're in for a wave of greatness in the years to come!
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