It strongly depends on the games. Like for me, I just can't play a first oder 3rd person Shooter with double analog sticks. For me it was keyboard and mouse on the PC all the time. With the Wii i really enjoy aiming with the Remote and the Gun Periperals you can buy. For me this enhances the experiance a lot, I even prefer it over the PC, though it lacks the precision of a mouse but it's just some much fun :)
The other types of games are those that incorperate the motion in a reasonable and good way, like Grand Slam Tennis oder Tiger Woods. The WiiMote is perfect for those kinds of games and they wouldn't be as much fun for me when playing them with "normal" PS360 Controls.
Then there are those games, that just tack on some motion or gesture to perform an action on-screen. Example for that could be Fifa 09. I really enjoyed the possibilty of precise passing with the pointer, but swinging the remote to fire a shot is just strange to me. I'd prefer a button there.
So basically you gotta ask yourself, if there are enough games that you might enjoy that offer the two types of controls that PS360 don't. I'd go with pointer Control for nearly any game over an analog Stick. The Motion Control strongly depends on the type of game and how it is used. A lot of games just put it in because it's possible, which in often cases leads to more or less pointless "waggling" of the remote.
Another factor is the graphics, depending on how much you are used to the superb offering of the PS360. The Wii can't compete with that.
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